The Department of Mathematics of the University of Trento (henceforth referred to as "the Department") has just opened a call for a junior researcher position (Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo a) in the area of Probability/Stochastic Processes.

Candidates are expected to hold a Ph.D. and to have a good publication record in the area of Probability/Stochastic Processes.

The successful candidate is expected to participate in the activities of the research group in Stochastic Processes. The successful candidate will be required to provide lecturing and tutoring activities in the area of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (typically one course per year).

The position is a fixed-term contract of employment for three years, renewable for a further two years.

At the end of the period, the Department  will have the opportunity to open a call for a tenure-track position in the same area.

Applications should be submitted exclusively through the web site

The deadline is May 10 2018 at 13:00 CEST.

Incomplete applications, or application submitted after that deadline, will not be considered.

For information on the scientific aspects of the positions, please contact the Head of Department at (current Head is Professor Andrea Caranti) For information on preparing and  submitting the application, please contact the Personnel Office for Professors and Researchers (by telephone on +39 0461 283348 or +39 0461 283306, by email at