Begin forwarded message:
From: Cécile Mailler <>
Date: 06 marzo 2017 12.03.15 GMT+01.00
Subject: [World] Summer school on networks, in Berlin (Aug 21-Sep 1 2017)

Dear all,

This is the first announcement of the summer school on

Probabilistic and statistical methods for networks

to be held at TU Berlin, 21 August - 1 September 2017.

The summer school will focus on probabilistic and statistical methods for networks. This is an enormously rich topic that has many connections between branches of mathematics, and applications to many other scientific disciplines. The central theme is randomness that may arise in various forms: it can be used to construct models for networks, to analyse networks using statistical methods, or as part of stochastic processes on networks. One strand of the school will consider the theory of statistical physics models on networks; another strand will develop tools of statistical inference in network data; and a third strand investigates applications such as networks in neuroscience, traffic and telecommunication.

The School is primarily aimed at graduate students, but also at postdocs, working in applied probability or in one of the application fields with strong probabilistic flavour.

Shankar Bhamidi (North Carolina)
Benedikt Jahnel (Berlin)
Max Klimm (Berlin)
Peter Mörters (Bath)
Tiago Peixoto (Bath)
Jörg Polzehl / Karsten Tabelow (Berlin)
Klaus Obermayer / Wilhelm Stannat (Berlin)
Lenka Zdeborová (Saclay)

For further details and registration, see
Registration will be open from 1 April 2017 until 31 May 2017.

The summer school is supported by the EPSRC via the Centre for Doctoral Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics (SAMBa) at the University of Bath, the DFG via the Berlin Mathematical School and by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin.

Please direct scientific questions about the school to the organisers.
We hope to see you in Berlin at the end of August.

Best wishes,

Wolfgang König,
Cécile Mailler,
Marcel Ortgiese,
Matt Roberts,
Tim Rogers,

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