Ciclo di Seminari - Progetto ERC PASCAL(Probabilistic and Statistical Techniques for Cosmological Applications)
Mercoledì 25 Febbraio ore 16 - Aula Conferenze "Claudio D'Antoni" - Dipartimento di Matematica Università di Tor Vergata - Roma
Titolo: Fine Properties of Gaussian Random Fields
Speaker: Yimin Xiao - Michigan State University
ABSTRACT: In this talk, we show that various properties of strong local nondeterminism can be applied for studying fine properties (e.g. exact moduli of continuity, exact Hausdorff measure functions, regularity of local times and intersection local times) of Gaussian random fields defined on R^N taking values in R^d. Examples of such Gaussian random fields include fractional Brownian motion and solution to certain stochastic heat equations with space-time Gaussian noise. We also show that the method can also be applied to some Gaussian fields on the sphere.