[please distribute - apologies for multiple postings] 

Dear Colleagues,

the SMPS 2024 conference (Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics) will take place on September 03-06, 2024, in Salzburg, Austria. We expect 80-120 participants and - apart from an interesting scientific event - also plan to integrate in the conference what Salzburg is most famous for: classical music and beautiful landscapes. Our objective is to keep the fees including lunches, conference dinner, social events and Springer book of proceedings low (300-400€ regular price, reduced amount of 150-180€ for PhD students; precise numbers to be determined in spring after knowing the exact number of participants).

Confirmed plenary spearkers are:

The SMPS conference series has the tradition to collect short papers of 6-8 pages of all participants giving a talk - these papers will undergo a quick peer-review and should either contain novel results or provide a survey over recently established material. All accepted contributions will be published in a Springer conference proceedings book with the title "Combining, modelling and analyzing imprecision, randomness and dependence". 

Elsevier will sponsor SMPS 2024 with a best paper award of 1000€, additionally there will be a special issue related to the conference in the International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.

Submission of short papers will be possible as of January 1st, 2024, and ends on March 17th, 2024. Required LaTex style etc., a link to the submission platform, and additional information can be found on the conference homepage http://www.smps2024.com. Hotels with slightly reduced room prices for SMPS participants will be available on the webpage as of mid March.     

Looking forward to welcoming you in Salzburg

Wolfgang Trutschnig, Jonathan Ansari, Sebastian Fuchs (SMPS 2024 chairs)

Fabrizio Durante
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia
Centro Ecotekne Pal. C 
S.P. 6, Lecce - Monteroni 
Phone: +39 0832 29 8672