Postdoctoral Position - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

The Department of Management at Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia invites applications for a postdoctoral fellowship within the research project: "Interactions in complex economic systems: innovation, contagion and crises”. The general area of of interest is Decision Sciences, with special reference to Mathematical Methods for Economics and Finance.

Prospective candidates are expected to have relevant experience on the research topic, and should preferably be holding a Ph.D. or being close to receiving one. The research shall be carried out in English.

Duration of contract: 12 months (expected starting date: September 2016).

Deadline: June 20th 2016, 12 a.m. (GMT+2, Rome Time)

Stipend: The research fellowship amounts to 19.367,00 Euros per year, including taxes and social charges.

Research allowance: 1.500,00 Euros, aimed at covering research costs.

Abstract of the Project: The study of complex economic systems requires quantitative tools to develop suitable models. Depending on the skills and preferences of the candidate, different lines of research can be undertaken. 1. A methodological research related mainly to statistical mechanics or probability theory (e.g., spatial interaction models and/or probabilistic cellular automata). 2. An applied line of research related to diffusion of innovations on social networks. 3. An applied line of research related to the heterogeneous agents in economics and/or finance (e.g., differences in opinion/information in financial markets, dynamics of populations in social sciences).

All the relevant information for applicants is available in English (link) and in Italian (link).

Marco Tolotti

Marco Tolotti, Ph.D.
Department of Management
Ca' Foscari University of Venice
Cannaregio 873 - 30121 Venezia, Italy
Tel: +39 0412346928 - Fax: +39 0412347444