Dear all,

This is the Call for Contributed Talks at the 10th General AMaMeF Conference, held on 22-25 June 2021. The 10th edition of the meeting will be hosted by the Department of Mathematics "Tullio Levi-Civita" at the University of Padova (Italy). The program consists of 8 plenary lectures, 9 invited sessions and several contributed sessions.

We welcome submissions for contributed talks in mathematical finance and its applications, including but not limited to the following topics:
• Algorithmic trading
• Asset pricing under market frictions
• Collateralization and XVA
• Credit risk and interest rate modeling
• Energy and commodity markets
• Equilibrium models
• Financial technology
• Green and sustainable finance
• Insurance mathematics
• Machine learning in finance
• Market microstructure
• Mean-field games and stochastic control
• Model uncertainty and model risk
• Optimal transport and robust finance
• Portfolio optimization
• Risk measures
• Stochastic volatility modeling
• Systemic risk and financial networks
Each contributed talk will be allocated a 30 minutes time slot (25 min. presentation + 5 min. Q&A).

Submission: you can submit title and abstract of your talk, with complete indication of names and affiliations of all authors, together with at most five key-words. It is possible (but not required) to upload the pdf file of your paper or an extended abstract.
Submission webpage

DeadlineMonday 3 May 2021. Acceptance notifications will be sent before 15 May 2021.

Format of the conference: we plan to organize the conference in a hybrid format, with the presence of a limited number of participants in Padova. For in person participation, we will follow a first-come-first-served rule, according to the date of registration to the conference (the opening of the registration will be announced in due time). In any case, every speaker will have the possibility of presenting remotely. If the conditions do not allow a hybrid format, we will rapidly switch to a fully online format. We expect to have precise information on the format of the conference in April. Fees for a virtual conference will be significantly less than for an in-person conference.

Conference website

Contact: any inquiry about submissions should be emailed to

Best regards, 

The organising committee,
Giorgia Callegaro, Claudio Fontana, Martino Grasselli, Wolfgang J. Runggaldier, Tiziano Vargiolu