Dear all,
Valentin Patilea (ENSAI, Rennes) and I are launching an online seminar dedicated to Functional Data Analysis and its applications.
The first two sessions will take place at ENSAI (Rennes) and will be broadcast via Zoom :
Friday June 14, 11:00 (Paris time, UTC+2)
Alberto Suarez : Machine learning with functional data: near-perfect classification.
Zoom link
Secret code 445024
Friday June 21, 14:00 (Paris time, UTC+2)
Tailen Hsing : A functional-data perspective in spatial data analysis
Secret code 467679
We have also set up a mailing list to disseminate information about the seminar. Please let us know if you're interested in receiving information about future sessions, and we'll add your email to the list. Please also feel free to forward this
message to anyone else who might be interested!
Kind regards,