Dear all,

I would like to announce the following talk that will be held on Friday, October 4th 2019, at 4:30 PM, in Aula Dal Passo of the Department of Mathematics, University of Rome Tor Vergata.

Speaker: Fabio Antonelli

Title: CVA and vulnerable options in stochastic volatility model

Abstract: CVA adjustment in order to evaluate correctly derivatives subject to default risk has become more and more important in the past decade, especially when Wrong Way Risk, that is an increase in the product's price when deterioration of credit occurs.

Considering the most common stochastic volatility models, we express WWR in terms of the correlation between asset's price and default event,  that is described exploiting the so called intensity approach. When intensity follows an affine process, we are able to parametrize  this correlation and, applying accurately Ito's formula, to suggest a Taylor polynomial approximation of CVA. Some numerical results showing the efficiency of the method are provided.

Kind regards

Anna Vidotto

PostDoc Researcher 
Dipartimento di Matematica
Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata