Dear colleagues,

I would like to advertise the call for PhD scholarships at the Department of Mathematics of University of Pisa:

Deadline: May 29, 2023, 1pm Rome time zone.

We strongly encourage applications of students interested in probability.

The research interests of our probability group here in Pisa include: stochastic evolutions (e.g. stochastic partial differential equations, regularization by noise, stochastic fluid dynamics), probabilistic methods in machine learning (e.g. learning dynamics for neural networks), variational problems in commutative and non-commutative setting (e.g. quantum probability, random optimal transport, Malliavin calculus), stochastic processes for chemical reactions networks (e.g. propagation of chaos, large deviations). See also our webpage:

Our group carries out (together with Scuola Normale, Firenze and Siena) the "probability, stochastic analysis and statistics seminar series", usually on a weekly basis. PhD students can also enjoy study groups and informal seminars which usually run at University of Pisa or at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa.

The Department of Mathematics has been awarded with the excellence framework (Dipartimento di eccellenza) for the period 2023-2027. More information on the PhD program in Mathematics are available here:

Do not hesitate to contact me or the other members of the group for further information.

You find here the official call in Italian
and here the English translation:

Best regards
Mario Maurelli