Dear colleagues and friends,

We are delighted to inform that the journal of Decisions in Economics and Finance, the official publication vehicle of the Italian Association for Mathematics Applied to Social and Economic Sciences (AMASES), is now calling for papers for its special issue on

"Quantitative developments in financial volatility - theory and practice"

NEW DEADLINE 31th August, 2018

For more details, please visit the journal's webpage at

Accepted papers will be published online individually prior to the final print publication.

Please address all your inquiries concerning the submission to the special issue directly to us.  

We apologize if you receive the same email multiple times. Please kindly help us forward the call to your colleagues.

We look forward to receiving your submissions.


With best regards,

Special issue co-editors

Elisa Alos, Maria Elvira Mancino, and Tai-Ho Wang

Decisions in Economics and Finance