Si avvisa che in data
23/11/2017, alle ore 10:00 precise, presso l'Aula Seminari del III piano del DIpartimento di Matematica del Politecnico di Milano
si svolgerà il seguente seminario:
Titolo: On segmentation with hidden, pairwise and triplet Markov models
Relatore: Juri Lember, University of Tartu, Estonia
The well-known hidden Markov model (HMM) is a two-dimensional stochastic
process (X,Y), where Y is a Markov chain and conditionally on Y, the
X-process consists of independent random variables, the distribution of
the random variable X_t depending on Y_t, only.
Over the last decades, HMM's have become very popular stochastic
models with applications to speech recognition, signal processing,
linguistic, computational molecular biology and so on. Often the
Y-process is unobserved (hidden) and the goal of the inference
is to estimate its unobserved realization based on a realization of
X-process. This task is called the segmentation problem and the standard
ways to solve it is to use either maximum likelihood (so-called
Viterbi) path or pointwise maximum likelihood (so-called
PMAP) path.
A trivial but important property of HMM is that the process Z=(X,Y) is
itself a Markov process with a product state space. This observation
allows naturally enlarge the class of HMM's to the class of pairwise
Markov models (PMM) as follows: Z=(X,Y) is a
PMM if Z has Markov property. Now it is clear that PMM's are a much
larger class of models whose HMM\'s is just a little subclass. We
briefly discuss several PMM's like Markov switching models and HMM's
with dependent noise. It is important to note that
if (X,Y) is a Markov process, then neither X nor Y need to have Markov
property, but conditionally on X, the Y-process is Markov and vice
It turns out that many good properties of HMM's are mainly due to the
Markov property of Z and hence these properties carry on to PMM's as
well. In particular the well-known Viterbi and forward-backward
algorithms apply and so standard segmentation approaches
can be applied in the case of PMM's. Moreover, PMM-models provide a
rather flexible and realistic model for the homology of random
sequences. A triplet Markov model (TMM), introduced by W. Pieczynski, is
a three-dimensional Markov process (X,Y,U), where,
as previously, X stands for observations and Y is the hidden state
sequence of interest. But in addition, there is another hidden
component U. Since conditionally on U, the pair (X,Y) is an
inhomogeneous PMM, the U-component models now the change of environment.
It turns out that adding the U-component makes the model really
We give a general approach to the risk-based segmentation problem that
also applies for PMM's and TMM's, discuss the weaknesses standard
approaches and introduce a way to overcome these problems. We also
discuss the asymptotics of Viterbi segmentation for
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati a partecipare
Fabio Zucca