We are glad to announce the CIME summer school
"High-Dimensional Approximation: From Theoretical Foundations to Machine Learning and PDEs"
which will take place in Cetraro (Italy), at the Grand Hotel San Michele, during the week of September 23-27, 2024.
The school will focus on the challenges and state-of-the-art solution strategies for addressing high-dimensional approximation problems.
- Adaptivity in High-Dimensional Statistical Learning (Francis Bach)
- Numerics of High-Dimensional PDEs (Markus Bachmayr)
- High-Dimensional Approximation in Machine Learning (Gitta Kutyniok)
- High-Dimensional Integration (Dirk Nuyens)
- Compressive Sensing (Holger Rauhut)
The application deadline is May 15, 2024. There are no registration fees. Moreover, PhD students and junior postdocs may request for a CIME grant to cover local accommodation costs.
Further information can be found at
We look forward to welcoming you in Cetraro in September, 2024.
The course directors:
Albert Cohen
Domenico Marinucci
Hendrik Speleers