Ricevo e inoltro con piacere

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Sujet : First announcement of Spring school on "Kinetically constrained models and bootstrap percolation", Paris, June 16-20, 2025.
Date : Sun, 3 Nov 2024 13:55:39 +0100
De : Cyril ROBERTO <cyril.roberto@math.cnrs.fr>
Répondre à : cyril.roberto@math.cnrs.fr

Dear Colleague,

You are cordially invited to participate in the Spring (almost summer) School at the Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, June 16-20, 2025.

We are pleased to inform you that Ivailo Hartarsky (Lyon 1) and Cristina Toninelli (Dauphine) will give 10 hours lectures (each) on

Kinetically constrained models and bootstrap percolation.

To get more information about this Spring School, please go to the following web page:


Registration is free but mandatory. In order to register, go to the "registration" link.

We may be able to offer financial support to a limited number of participants (specially young people). If you are interested in applying a financial support (\pm 500-600 euros) please send an email to constainedmodels2025ihp@gmail.com with a CV.

Looking very much forward to seeing you in Paris,

With all best wishes,
Cyril Roberto on behalf of the organizers

P.S.:  Please bring this Spring School to the attention of graduate students, postdocs and colleagues who may be interested.
P.P.S.: Sorry for the multiple instances of the same message.