Inoltro da parte della collega Prof Francesca Ieva una call per posizioni postdoc presso CHDS.

Cordiali saluti,
Laura Sangalli

Dear collegues,

the Human Technopole Center for Health Data Science (CHDS - offers two post doc positions, one for a health data scientist and one for a biostatistician/epidemiologist

The profiles we are looking for are people with a strong background in data science and analysis and integration of complex health data, with a focus on (multi-)omics data and data from Electronic Health Records (EHR). 
People with a PhD in Statistics, Data Science, Computer Science, Mathematics and any affine disciplines are eligible.

The links where you can find the calls and the application forms are the following:

I kindly ask you to share the information among anybody who may be interesting in applying.

For any further information, please do not haesitate to contact me and/or Prof. Emanuele Diangelantonio (

Best regards
Francesca Ieva
Francesca Ieva

Associate Professor of Statistics
MOX - Department of Mathematics
Politecnico di Milano, Milan 20133, Italy

Associate Head of CHDS - Center for Health Data Science
Human Technopole, Milan, Italy

Laura Maria Sangalli
MOX - Dipartimento di Matematica
Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano - Italy
tel: +39 02 2399 4554
fax: +39 02 2399 4568