Dear all, 

On Wednesday, March 27th, at 14h30 in Aula 1200 (just behind Aula Dal Passo, change of usual location!) of Tor Vergata Math Department, RoMaDS ( will host 

Quentin Berger (Sorbonne Université, Pariswith the seminar 

"Some results about the Ising model on a Galton-Watson tree

Abstract: The goal of my talk is to present some results on the Ising model on a Galton-Watson tree. I will start with a general introduction, recalling in particular the seminal results of Russell Lyons. I will the present the results obtained in collaboration with Irene Ayuso Ventura (University Paris-Est Créteil), which estimate the effect of a sparse external field or boundary condition on the magnetisation of the root.

We encourage in-person partecipation. Should you be unable to come, here is the link to the Teams streaming:

The seminar is part of the Excellence Project MatMod@TOV.