Dear all,
14h30 - Federico Camia (NYU Abu Dhabi)
“Towards a logarithmic conformal field theory of 2D critical percolation”
Abstract: Conformal field theory (CFT) provides a very powerful framework to study the large-scale properties of models of statistical mechanics at their critical point. The prototypical example of this is the continuum (scaling) limit of the two-dimensional critical Ising model. The case of critical percolation is more difficult, partly because its continuum limit is believed to be described by a relatively unusual type of CFT, called a logarithmic CFT. In this talk, I will first briefly explain the statements above. I will then present some recent results and work in progress that are part of a program aimed at fitting percolation within the logarithmic CFT framework.
15h30 - Alessandra Bianchi (Università di Padova)
“Mixing cutoff for simple random walks on the Chung-Lu directed graph”
Abstract: In this talk, we consider a simple random walk defined on a Chung-Lu directed graph, an inhomogeneous random network that extends the Erdos Renyi random digraph by including edges independently according to given Bernoulli laws. In this non-reversible setting, we will focus on the convergence toward the equilibrium of the dynamics. In particular, under the assumption that the average degree grows logarithmically in the size n of the graph (weakly dense regime), we will establish a cutoff phenomenon at the entropic time of order log(n)/loglog(n). We will then show that on a precise window the cutoff profile converges to the Gaussian tail function. This is qualitatively similar to what was proved in a series of works by Bordenave, Caputo, Salez for the directed configuration model, where degrees are deterministically fixed. In terms of statistical ensembles, this analysis provides an extension of these cutoff results from a hard to a soft-constrained model.
Joint work with G. Passuello.