Car* collegh*,

vi trasmetto questo annuncio per una borsa di dottorato con aspetti statistici e probabilistici presso il dipartimento di matematica dell'Universita' del Sussex. Vi prego di farla circolare tra studentesse e studenti potenzialmente interessate.

Cordiali saluti

Enrico Scalas
Dear all,

Please advertise/send this opportunity to any interested students.

The tile of the project is “Characterisation and prediction of events in large dynamic networks” and it supervised by my colleague, Dr Luc Berthouze in Informatics, and I.

All the details are available at:

Thank you for your help in this matter and I wish you a lovely Summer.

Istvan Kiss.

Dr Istvan Zoltan Kiss
Reader in Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
University of Sussex
Pevensey III-5C6, Falmer
Brighton, BN1 9QH, UK
Tel: +44(0)1273873021
Mob: +44(0)7890127099