Dear Colleagues,
The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) is offering
several internship positions to work on machine learning
problems. This is an opportunity for MS and last year BS
students to start a research career while learning very
interesting topics.
You can find below the description of the positions. Further
informations are available at the link <>.
I appreciate if you can distribute the announcement to potential
Thank you very much.
Internship 1:
Research topic title: Minimaxsupervised classification
Research topic description: Supervised classification can be
approached as a zero-sum game between learner and nature.
Efficient algorithms can be enabled by using uncertainty sets of
distributions defined by a generating function. This project
will develop techniques to determine such function and to
estimate its expectations
Keywords: supervised classification, statistics, probability
Internship 2:
Research topic title: Open supervision for machine learning
Research topic description: Training data obtained in practice
is often provided by a heterogeneous community that label
examples with different levels of accuracy, ranging from perfect
to missing annotations. This project will develop new machine
learning techniques that utilize such weak and heterogeneous
training data, and evaluate the performance gains with respect
to existing approaches.
Keywords: python/R/Matlab, supervised classification
Internship 3:
Research topic title: Data science for energy management
Research topic description: Numerous data sets related with
energy can be exploited in order to improve energy management
both at large and small scales. For instance, weather data can
serve to better schedule energy generation, historical
consumption/generation data can serve to avoid outages, and
contextual data can serve to use resources more efficiently.
This project will develop techniques that utilize heterogenous
and posibly inaccurate, incomplete, or erroneous data in order
to improve energy management
Keywords:Statistics, data science, machine learning
Internship 4:
Research topic title: Probabilistic energy forecasting
Research topic description: Energy forecasing is widely used to
manage energy resources, e.g., schedule generation and prevent
outages. This project will develop techniques that obtain
probability distributions of future energy
consumption/generation using energy related data. In particular,
the techniques developed will use data such as historical
consumption/generation, weather conditions, location, and time.
Keywords:Probabilistic forecasting, online learning, supervised
Internship 5:
Research topic title: Projective geometry of convex sets and its
application to machine learning
Research topic description: The natural transformations in
machine learning (Markov transitions, stochastic kernels,
channels, probabilistic mappings) are affine/projective
transformations between probability simplexes. This project will
1) characterize such linear geometrical representation and its
relationship with classical convex geometry, e.g., convex
duality, support functions, and barycentric coordinates; and 2)
develop machine learning techniques inspired by such geometrical
interpretation, e.g., dimensionality reduction based on
invariance w.r.t. affine/projective transformations.
Keywords:Projective geometry, convex geometry, advanced linear
Required knowledge and skills: Statistics/probability, Linear
algebra, optimization, Programming in python or R or Matlab
Required language skills: Spanish or English
Duration and dates: 3 months; flexible dates depending student
Covered expenses: To be negotiated
Application deadline: 30th of August