Dear friends and colleagues,

I am currently advertising a post-doctoral position in Probability at Ceremade, University Paris Dauphine.

The position is for two years. The expected starting date is September 2020, though a different date may be arranged.

The position is funded by my European project MALIG, whose aim is to develop a mathematical approach to the liquid-glass transition and related phenomena.

Main areas of research include interacting particle systems, bootstrap percolation cellular automata and glassy dynamics.

The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to collaborate with the probability group of University Roma Tre, in particular with Fabio Martinelli, a key member of the MALIG team.

The grant will provide substantial fundings to cover working periods in Rome.

There are no teaching duties associated to the position. 

Candidates can contact me directly for any additional informations.

Applications including a CV, a list of publications and a one-page description of research interests and experience should be sent directly to me at 

Applicants should also arrange for up to three letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address. 

The deadline for applications is Monday, 3rd February  2020. 

I would be grateful if you could bring this announcement to the attention of potential candidates and distribute it via local mailing lists. 

Best wishes,

Cristina Toninelli


Cristina Toninelli

Postal Address: Ceremade 

                       Univ.Paris Dauphine

                       Place du Marechal de Lattre de Tassigny

                       75775 Paris Cedex 16 - France

Office: B617
