Da: giuliani@mat.uniroma3.it
Oggetto: EMS-IAMP Summer School in Mathematical Physics, Ischia 11-15 June 2018
Data: 3 novembre 2017 22:47:07 CET

Dear colleague,

this is the first announcement of the EMS-IAMP Summer School in Mathematical Physics on `Universality in Probability Theory and Statistical Mechanics', which will be held in Ischia (Naples, Italy) on June 11-15, 2018.

The main courses (6 hours each) will be given by:

- L. Erdoes (IST Austria)
- R. Peled (Univ. Tel Aviv)
- F.-L. Toninelli (Univ. Lyon-1)
- Y. Velenik (Univ. Geneve)

The school is targeted to PhD students, postdocs and young researchers. The four courses will introduce at a graduate level different methodologies used to understand in complementary ways several instances of universality, ranging from eigenvalue statistics of random matrices, to the large scale dynamics of stochastic surfaces, to their massless Gaussian free field behavior at equilibrium.

The school will take place in Grand Hotel Re Ferdinando
in Ischia, the largest island of the gulf of Naples.

We will provide financial support for students and young researchers.

Details about the registration, the application for financial support and the website will  come soon in a follow-up message. If, in the meantime, you need more informations, please contact us via email at agnese.dorazio@mat.uniroma3.it.

We would be grateful if you could circulate this announcement among your students, postdocs and collegues.

With our best regards,

Serena Cenatiempo
Alessandro Giuliani
Rafael Greenblatt
Domenico Monaco