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---------- Messaggio inoltrato ---------
Da: Kevin Ray Payne <>
Data: mer 27 set 2023 alle 16:24
Oggetto: Lezione LEONARDESCA - DUMINIL-COPIN - 9 ottobre


Lunedì 9 ottobre 2023, ore 16.30, in Sala Adunanze dell’Istituto Lombardo, Academia di Scienze e Lettere, Palazzo Brera, in Via Brera 28 

il Professore 

IHES and Université de Genève  

parlerà su 

Critical Phenomena through the Lens of the Ising Model 

 ABSTRACT: The Ising model is one of the most classical lattice models of statistical physics undergoing a phase transition. Initially imagined as a model for ferromagnetism, it revealed itself as a very rich mathematical object and a powerful theoretical tool to understand cooperative phenomena. Over one hundred years of its history, a profound understanding of its critical phase has been obtained. While integrability and mean-field behavior led to extraordinary breakthroughs in the two-dimensional and high-dimensional cases respectively, the model in three and four dimensions remained mysterious for years. In this talk, we will present recent progress in these dimensions based on a probabilistic interpretation of the Ising model relating it to percolation models. 

ABOUT THE SPEAKER:  Hugo Duminil-Copin is a dynamic, energetic, and collaborative mathematician whose numerous contributions to statistical physics have justifiably earned him worldwide recognition and numerous awards.   His work has centered on using ideas from probability theory to study the critical behavior of various models on networks. His work has revolutionized our understanding of percolation theory by identifying the critical point at which phase transitions occur and by characterizing the behavior of the system above, below and at the critical point. For his many and profound contributions to the understanding of probabilistic models at or near the critical point, Duminil-Copin was awarded the Fields Medal in 2022.  


Duminil-Copin received his Ph.D at the Université de Genève in 2012 under the direction of fellow Field’s Medalist Stanislav Smirnov with a thesis that exploited percolation theory and combinatorics to investigate the number of self-avoiding walks in hexagonal lattices that was published in the Annals of Mathematics. A series of prestigious prizes followed, including the Rollo Davidson Prize (2012), the Oberwolfach Prize (2013), the European Mathematical Prize (2016) and many others before receiving the Fields Medal. Duminil-Copin is Full Professor at the Université de Genève since 2014 (just two years after the Ph.D) and Permanent Professor at the IHES since 2016.  



Per ulteriori informazioni: 


C.D. Pagani e B. Ruf - Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere 

K.R. Payne - Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Enriques", Università degli Studi di Milano 

F. Cipriani - Dipartimento di Matematica "F. Brioschi", Politecnico di Milano 

T. Weigel - Dipartimento di Matematica e Applicazioni, Università di Milano Bicocca 

G. Savarè - Department of Decision Sciences, Università Bocconi Milano 
