Dear All, we are glad to announce the
1st Workshop on Eco-Stat Asymptotics, organized by the Department of Economics of the University of Verona, which will take place on
September 11th 2023
in via Cantarane 24, Verona
Nakahiro Yoshida
(University of Tokyo),
10:00–10:50 Ismaël Castillo
(Sorbonne Université), Bayesian nonparametric adaptation with heavy-tailed prior
11:20–12:10 Olga Klopp
(ESSEC Business School), Optimality of Variational Inference for Stochastic Block Model
12:10–13:00 Botond Szabo
(Bocconi University), Theoretical guarantees for Variational Bayes
14:30–15:20 Matteo Pelagatti
(University of Milan Bicocca), Measuring, testing and
understanding dependence between two random variables of any kind
15:20–16:10 Giuseppe Buccheri
(University of Verona), Statistical identification of linear
stochastic differential equations with unobservable drift process
16:40–17:30 Paolo Dai Pra
(University of Verona), Polarization and Coherence in Mean Field Games Driven by Private and Social Utility
17:30–18:20 Mathieu Rosenbaum
(École Polytechnique), TBD
Registration is free, but mandatory before September 4th 2023
The workshop is co-sponsored by the group
We look forward to welcoming you in Verona! Best regards, Cecilia