Ricevo ed inoltro

Open Assistant position (PostDoc) for 1 year

Graz University of Technology, Austria
Institute of Discrete Mathematics

Working Groups Structure Theory and Stochastics
    & Noncommutative Structures
(Wolfgang Woess & Franz Lehner)

Scheduled to start on September 15, 2021.

Requirements: PhD in Mathematics or Technical Mathematics,
awarded before the beginning of the engagement.

Desired qualifications:  scientific interest in the fields
of Stochastic Processes (random walks), Graph Theory,
Geometric Group Theory and Noncommutative Probability,
possibly combining those topics. Readiness to collaborate
in research projects in these areas.

Workload 40 hours/week.
Collaboration in the teaching and examination activities
of the institute is required, in particular for
Mathematics in the Engineering sciences, in German (!).

Application deadline: August 4, 2021.
For details + how to apply, see


Wolfgang Woess

                Institut fuer Diskrete Mathematik,
                Technische Universitaet Graz,
                Steyrergasse 30, A-8010 Graz, Austria
                email: woess@TUGraz.at