Mercoledì 20 Gennaio alle ore 13, presso l'aula Master al 5° piano del Dipartimento MEMOTEF
(Sapienza Università di Roma, via del Castro Laurenziano 9) si terrà il seminario:
"The Robust Merton Problem of an Ambiguity Averse Investor"
Prof. Sara Biagini, Dipartimento di Economia e Finanza-LUISS G. Carli
We derive a closed form portfolio optimization rule for an investor who is di dent about
mean return and volatility estimates, and has a CRRA utility. The novelty is that condence
is here represented using ellipsoidal uncertainty sets for the drift, given a volatility realization.
This specication a ords a simple and concise analysis, as the optimal portfolio allocation
policy is shaped by a rescaled market Sharpe ratio, computed under the worst case volatility.
The result is based on a max-min Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman-Isaacs PDE, which extends the
classical Merton problem and reverts to it for an ambiguity-neutral investor.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati
Cordiali saluti
Gabriele Stabile