Thanks everyone who pointed me the incorrect Iink to the caII. Here, the right one.


Dear All,

The Department of Economics and Business, University of Firenze, offers one position funded by the PRIN- PNRR 2022 project  “Honey BEE VOLatility: An environmental index for assessing climatic risk impact on ecosystems service provision” (P.I. Maria Elvira Mancino).

The position is for 18 months and  is open to graduates who do not yet hold a Ph.D. 

The details of the call are at:

The deadline for appIication is March 1st, 2024

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I would be grateful if you could forward  this message to any potentially interested candidate.

Best regards


Maria Elvira Mancino, PhD
Professor of Mathematical Finance
Head of the Department of Economics and Management