
Vi inoltro un annuncio per due post-docs situati a Lione e/o Parigi.

Buona giornata,
Niccolo Torri


Two post-docs positions of 2 years each, are open in Probability Theory in Paris / Lyon, starting September 2023 (flexible date).

For any question regarding the application, please contact one of the members of the ANR LOCAL (available here https://ntorri.perso.math.cnrs.fr/ANR_LOCAL.html ).


Maître de Conférences

Université Paris Nanterre
Laboratoire Modal'X
200 avenue de la République,
92001 Nanterre Cedex, France

Bureau :
Bâtiment Allais (G)
Entresol, bureau E23, 
Tel. 01 40 97 78 50
