Dear all, the Department of Economics of the University of Verona is expressing a Call of Interest for Postdoctoral Fellows funded under the following research projects:
- Realized Random Graphs: A New Econometric Methodology for the Inference of Dynamic Networks, PI: Prof. Giuseppe Buccheri, funded by PRIN 2022 - A New Paradigm for High-Frequency Finance, PI: Prof. Roberto Reno, funded by FIS 2021 and PRIN 2022
The postdoctoral fellows should have completed, or be close to completing, a PhD with substantial training in quantitative skills (statistics, econometrics, math, physics). Some experience in economics and finance is preferred but not strictly necessary. The projects involve theoretical and empirical research. We are willing to open 2+ positions (depending on available candidates), to work on both projects as well as to related research in time series, financial econometrics, asset pricing. The candidate will join a strong and vibrant quantitative group which includes 10+ researchers. Interaction with the group is encouraged.
Job duration: 18 months, extendible up to 4 years under specific conditions. Start date: January 2024, with some flexibility. Teaching: none. The remuneration scheme is competitive, based on job experience and negotiable.
Interested candidates can contact Prof. Buccheri ( and Prof. Reno ( for questions/clarifications, or to send a cv, as soon as possible.
Giuseppe Buccheri Assistant Professor of Econometrics (RTDB) Department of Economics University of Verona Polo Santa Marta, Floor 1, Room 1.70 Via Cantarane, 24, 37129 Verona VR