Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTD-B) - Management and Finance
The candidate must have excellent scientific production and solid experience in management science, business strategy (performance & business dynamics, dynamic capabilities) and/or quantitative finance. The position will strengthen one of the core missions of IMT Lucca in the analysis of business and market dynamics, also with the use of quantitative techniques. The ideal candidate is a scholar with a solid research background in management and/or finance at the international level, an excellent scientific production, with clear evidence of the results achieved so far and future perspectives. A specific experience in teaching at the postgraduate (master and doctorate) level will be considered as a plus. Candidates should be open to interdisciplinary collaborations.
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (RTD-B) - Networks and Data Science
The candidate must have an excellent scientific production and a solid experience in network science and/or data science. The position will strengthen one of the core missions of IMT Lucca in the multidisciplinary analysis of complex systems dynamics, via the application of data-driven methods (e.g. mathematical, physical, statistical or machine learning models) and/or network-based methods (e.g. agent-based models; percolation models; models for network inference from observed time series). The ideal candidate is a scholar with a solid research background in network science and/or data science at the international level,an excellent publication track record, with clear evidence of the results achieved so far and future perspectives. A specific experience in teaching at the post-graduate (master and doctorate) level will be considered as a plus. Candidates should be open to interdisciplinary collaborations in order to develop quantitative methods for data analysis and apply them to study problems of interest in the context of the natural, social, economic, financial sciences and engineering (e.g. the diffusion of epidemics, the propagation of signals and shocks, the formation of opinions). ------------------
The candidate will contribute to the teaching and research activities of the School. Knowledge of the Italian language is not required. Potential candidates are invited to fill in the form by attaching:
1. a curriculum vitae and the list of publications 2. a letter of motivation 3. three names of experts to whom letters of reference may be requested.
The deadline for expressions of interest is March 18th, 2022 at 12:00 (Italian time)