12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE C R E D I T 2014 *The New Financial Regulatory System: Challenges and Consequences for the Financial Sector *Venice, Italy 25 - 26 September 2014
The objective of the Conference is to bring together academics, practitioners and PhD students working in the area of risk management. The conference this year focuses on *The New Financial Regulatory System: Challenges and Consequences for the Financial Sector* and will provide an opportunity for participants engaged in research at the forefront of this area to discuss both the causes and implications of recent events in financial markets and may, in turn, suggest fruitful directions for future research. The Conference is the *thirteenth* of a series dedicated to various aspects of credit risk.
The *co-sponsors* of the Conference are *GRETA Associati* (Venice, Italy), *Center on Sustainable Architecture for Finance (SAFE) at Goethe University Frankfurt* (Frankfurt, Germany) and *Intesa Sanpaolo *(Milan, Italy). The Conference is organised under the *auspices *of the *Department of Economics of the University Ca? Foscari of Venice*, *ABI - Italian Banking Association *and *European Investment Bank.*
The Scientific Committee for the Conference consists of: *Jan Krahnen*, Goethe University,**Programme Chair, *Monica Billio*, Ca? Foscari University of Venice, *Steven Ongena*, University of Zurich, *Stephen Schaefer*, London Business School and *Kenneth Singleton*, Stanford University.
PROGRAMME Thursday, September 25 2014
9.00 - 9.15_Opening Remarks
_9.15 - 11.00_Session I: Bank risk taking, capital structure and credit risk_
* Key-note talk: /Countering Systemic Risk through Banking Regulation and Other Means - /*Franklin Allen* (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia & Imperial College London) * /Did CDS Make Banks Riskier? The Effects of Credit Default Swaps on Bank Capital and Lending - /Susan Chenyu Shan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Dragon Yongjun Tang (The University of Hong Kong) and Hong Yan (University of South Carolina, Columbia & Shanghai Jiao Tong University) * /Incentive Pay and Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from Austrian, German, and Swiss Banks - /Matthias Efing (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute), Harald Hau (University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute), Patrick Kampkötter (University of Cologne) and Johannes Steinbrecher (Ifo Institute Branch Dresden)
11.30 - 13.00_Session II: New development in the banking markets_
* /Do LTV and DSTI Caps Make Banks More Resilient? - /Michel Dietsch (Banque de France & University of Strasbourg) and Cécile Welter-Nicol (Banque de France) * /Credit Growth and Bank Capital Requirements: Binding or Not? - /Claire Labonne (Banque de France) and Gildas Lamé (INSEE-CREST, Malakoff) * /Conditional Accounting Conservatism and Bank Risk Taking - /Manuel Illueca (Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana), Lars Norden (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) and Gregory F. Udell (Indiana University, Bloomington)
14.30 - 16.00_Session III: Capital regulation_
* /Bank Portfolio Choice, Uninsurable Risks and Regulatory Constraints - /Jochen Mankart (University of St. Gallen), Alexander Michaelides (Imperial College Business School, London, University of Cyprus & CEPR, London) and Spyros Pagratis (Athens University of Economics and Business) * /The Counter-Cyclical Capital Buffer of Basel III: Does It Affect Mortgage Pricing? - /Christoph Basten (ETH Zurich & Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA) and Catherine Koch (University of Zurich) * /The Limits of Model-Based Regulation - /Markus Behn (Bonn University & Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn University) and Vikrant Vig (London Business School)
17.00 - 18.30_Session IV: Systemic risk_
* /Fire-Sale Spillovers and Systemic Risk - /Fernando Duarte (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) and Thomas M. Eisenbach (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) * /The Removal of Credit Ratings from Capital Regulation: Implications for Systemic Risk - /Kathleen Weiss Hanley (University of Maryland, College Park) and Stanislava Nikolova (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) * /Systemic and Systematic Risk - /Monica Billio (University of Venice), Massimilano Caporin (University of Padua), Roberto Panzica (University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt) and Loriana Pelizzon (University of Venice & Goethe University Frankfurt)
Friday, September 26 2014 9.00 - 10.45_Session V: Financial markets regulation_
* Key-note talk: /Equilibrium Fast Trading - /*Thierry Foucault* (HEC Paris) * /Central Clearing and Collateral Demand - /Darrell Duffie (Stanford University & National Bureau of Economic Research), Martin Scheicher (European Systemic Risk Board) and Guillaume Vuillemey (Sciences-Po Paris & Banque de France) * /Sand in the Chips? Evidence on Taxing Transactions in Modern Markets - /Jean-Edouard Colliard (European Central Bank) and Peter Hoffmann (European Central Bank)
11.15 - 12.45_Session VI: Liquidity and credit_
* /Did Liquidity Providers Become Liquidity Seekers? Evidence the CDS-Bond Basis During the 2008 Financial Crisis - /Jaewon Choi (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Or Shachar (Federal Reserve Bank of New York) * /Credit and Liquidity in Interbank Rates: a Quadratic Approach - /Simon Dubecq (European Central Bank & CREST), Alain Monfort (CREST, Malakoff, Banque de France & Maastricht University), Jean-Paul Renne (Banque de France) and Guillaume Roussellet (Banque de France, CREST, Malakoff & CEREMADE, Paris) * /Liquidity Risk and Distressed Equity - /Mamdouh Medhat (Copenhagen Business School)
14.15 - 16.00_Session VII: Banking Union_
* /Supervisory Incentives in a Banking Union - /Elena Carletti (Bocconi University, CEPR, London & IGIER, Milan), Giovanni Dell'Ariccia (International Monetary Fund & CEPR, London) and Robert Marquez (University of California, Davis) * /The Political Economy of Bank Bailouts - /Markus Behn (Bonn University & Deutsche Bundesbank), Rainer Haselmann (Bonn University), Thomas Kick (Deutsche Bundesbank) and Vikrant Vig (London Business School) * Key-note talk: /Ethics in Finance: a Banking Supervisor's Perspective - /*Ignazio Angeloni* (European Central Bank)
17.00 - 18.30_PANEL Session
To register for the Conference you are requested to complete the registration form that is available on our website (http://www.greta.it/credit/credit2014/credit2014.htm http://www.greta.it/credit/credit2014/credit2014.htm).
Registration fees are:
Early registrationLate registration (within August 24th)(from August 25th on)
Academics: 250 Euro + VAT300 Euro + VAT Practitioners: 800 Euro + VAT1000 Euro + VAT PhD Students*: 80 Euro + VAT130 Euro + VAT
*VAT is currently 22% **Students will have to provide valid proof of their student status.
The registration fees cover: - Admission to all scientific sessions - Lunches and coffee service during the Conference - Conference kit
The registration fees do not fully cover the conference dinner on September 25, 2014, for which there is an extra charge of 80.00 Euro for each participant (conference attendees as well as accompanying persons).
For more detailed information (registration, accommodation and Conference venue), please refer to the Conference website: http://www.greta.it/credit/credit2014/credit2014.htm http://www.greta.it/credit/credit2014/credit2014.htm
GRETA Associati San Polo, 2605 - 30125 Venice, ITALY Phone : +39 041 5238178 - Fax : +39 041 5286166 e-mail: credit@greta.it mailto:credit@greta.it website: _www.greta.it_ http://www.greta.it/