Buongiorno. Ricevo e inoltro un avviso su un assegno di ricerca.
Cordiali saluti. Marco Fuhrman
Applications are invited for a 2 years postdoctoral research position in Analysis at Bocconi University, Milan , with a flexible starting date between May and November 2021.
The appointment is funded through the PRIN project "Gradient flows, Optimal Transport and Metric Measure Structures" and it will focus on the main topics of the project, with possible applications to PDEs and Machine Learning.
This is a research-oriented position at the Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics, with an expected net salary of €25000 per annum and without teaching duties.
Additional information and details on the appointment can be found at the Jobmarket website of Bocconi .
Applications (see the details in the annou n cement and the application form ) should be sent before noon of March 31, 2021 by email to the Faculty and Staff Administration office .
For any further information please write to giuseppe.savare@unibocconi.it .
Bando (Italian)
Application form
Link to the cvgmt website