-------- Messaggio originale -------- Oggetto: Call for Papers -- EFI5-Energy Finance Italia Ed.5 Data: 30-10-2019 23:09 Mittente: LM lmastroeni@os.uniroma3.it
Dear All, we are delivering the Second Call for Papers for the workshop EFI5 - Energy Finance Italia Edn. 5 Roma Tre University, Department of Economics February 10 - 11, 2020 The DEADLINE for submissions is DECEMBER 15TH, 2019 IMPORTANT DATES: DECEMBER, 15TH Deadline for submissions of extended abstracts JANUARY, 15TH Deadline for notification of acceptance JANUARY, 25TH Deadline for the payment of fees JANUARY, 31ST Deadline for the submission of full papers FEBRUARY, 10TH - 11TH Workshop KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Lutz Kilian [1] and Brian Wright [2] A SELECTION OF PAPERS presented at the workshop will be published in the journal Decisions in Economics and Finance [3]. You can find all the information at the following link http://host.uniroma3.it/eventi/efi5/ All the best Loretta Mastroeni LORETTA MASTROENI Associate Professor of Mathematical Finance Department of Economics Via Silvio D'Amico, 77 - 00145 Rome - Italy ph: +39-6-5733.5693 e-mail: loretta.mastroeni@uniroma3.it Skype contact: lmastroeni_1 Links: ------ [1] https://sites.google.com/site/lkilian2019/ [2] https://are.berkeley.edu/users/brian-wright [3] https://www.springer.com/journal/10203