The Centre for Mathematical Sciences at Lund University seeks expressions of interest for several research group leaders (open rank).
We are looking for internationally /strong/ scholars in any field of mathematics, with 5-12 years of research experience after PhD, currently working outside Sweden. Group leaders will bring in their unique research programme and expertise, whilst integrating and enhancing existing strengths at the Centre.
Your research vision and future plans will be at the core of Lund University's bid for a very generous sponsorship from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation, which will fund your research group for the first 5 years. Whilst your appointment will be permanent, we expect you to fund your staff members through external grants after the initial funding period.
Lund University offers a competitive salary, attractive employer benefits and family-friendly working hours. We are committed to increase the diversity in our department and especially welcome proposals from scholars of underrepresented gender.
Interested? Then send your CV and research group vision to by May 24th. We intend to invite interesting candidates to a virtual seminar talk and campus visit in /early/ June. More information about the hiring process will be given at this occasion.