Dear all, just a quick reminder of today's seminar, in ~ 2h30'.
See you later with anyone interested!
Best wishes, -- Leonardo.
On Mon, 2020-09-28 at 10:12 +0200, Leonardo Robol wrote:
Dear all, below you find the first announcement for the NumPI seminars.
The seminar will be next week on Tuesday, and will be online using the conference platform available at the math department. You find the link below (which will stay the same for all conferences, assuming it works well).
When entering the conference you will be asked if you want to only listen or to join with microphone; I suggest you choose the latter: you will be muted anyway after joining, but will be able to ask questions at the end if you wish.
Best wishes, -- Leonardo.
Speaker: Milo Viviani Affiliation: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Time: Tuesday, 06/10/2020, 11:00
Meeting link:
Title: Symplectic methods for isospectral flows and 2D ideal hydrodynamics
The numerical solution of non-canonical Hamiltonian systems is an active and still growing field of research. At the present time, the biggest challenges concern the realization of structure preserving algorithms for differential equations on infinite dimensional manifolds. Several classical PDEs can indeed be set in this framework, and in particular the 2D hydrodynamical Euler equations. In this talk, I will present some results I have obtained during my PhD studies. In particular, I will show how to derive a new class of numerical schemes for Hamiltonian and non-Hamiltonian isospectral flows, in order to solve the 2D hydrodynamical Euler equations. The use of a conservative scheme has revealed new insights in the 2D ideal hydrodynamics, showing clear connections between geometric mechanics, statistical mechanics and integrability theory.