Dear everybody,
Forwarding of a NA seminar announcement that can also be followed online at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
________________________________ Da: Mariarosa Mazza Inviato: mercoledì 29 gennaio 2025 18:49 A: Oggetto: seminario Pozza: 6 febbraio alle 12:30
Car* tutt*,
giovedi 6 febbraio alle 12.30 in aula Dal Passo, Dipartimento di Matematica, Roma Tor Vergata, il Dott. Stefano Pozza (Charles University) terrà un seminario dal titolo (abstract in calce):
"How to express the solution of an ODE as a linear system (in a suitable algebra) and exploit it for fast computation and network analysis".
Il seminario può essere seguito online usando il link:
Vi prego di diffondere l'annuncio fra i possibili interessati.
Un caro saluto e grazie,
Abstract: The solution of systems of non-autonomous linear ordinary differential equations is crucial in various applications, such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We introduced a new solution expression in terms of a generalization of the Volterra composition. Such an expression is linear in a particular algebraic structure of distributions, which can be mapped onto a subalgebra of infinite matrices. It is possible to exploit the new expression to devise fast numerical methods for linear non-autonomous ODEs. As a first example, we present a new method for the operator solution of the generalized Rosen-Zener model, a system of linear non-autonomous ODEs from quantum mechanics. The new method’s computing time scales linearly with the model’s size in the numerical experiments. A second example is the analysis of temporal network, where the new expression might lead to novel extension of subgraph centrality indexes.
-- ------------------------------------- Dr. Mariarosa Mazza University of Rome Tor Vergata Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1 00133, Rome, Italy Email: Tel: 0039 06-7259-4636 Url: ---------------------------------