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anche se è già apparso sul notiziario del dipartimento, segnalo il seminario di domani di Riccardo Montalto.
A presto,
martedì 4 aprile, ore 13:30-14:30, aula seminari
Seminario del ciclo di Analisi Stocastica
TITOLO: Construction on quasi-periodic nonlinear waves in fluid mechanics
Abstract: In this talk I will discuss some recent results on Euler and Navier Stokes equations concerning the construction of quasi-periodic solutions and the problem of the inviscid limit for the Navier Stokes equation. I will discuss the following results: 1) Construction of quasi-periodic solutions for the Euler equation with a time quasi-periodic external force, bifurcating from a constant, diophantine velocity field 2) I shall discuss the inviscid limit problem from the perspective of KAM theory, namely I shall prove the existence of quasi-periodic solutions of the Navier Stokes equation converging to the one of the Euler equation constructed in 1) . The main difficulty is that this is a singular limit problem. We overcome this difficulty by implementing a normal form methods which allow to prove sharp estimates (global in time) w.r. to the viscosity parameter 3) (time permittiing) I also discuss the construction of quasi-periodic traveling waves bifurcating from the Couette flow for the autonomous 2D Euler equation. These works are based on collaborations with Luca Franzoi and Nader Masmoudi