Care tutte, cari tutti,
per il prossimo evento del ciclo dei Seminari di Analisi, mercoledì 14 marzo alle ore 17:00, in Aula Riunioni, avremo il piacere di ascoltare Liangjun Weng (UniPi), che terrà un seminario dal titolo “Hypersurface with capillary boundary evolving by the mean curvature”. Trovate qui sotto l’abstract.
Il seminario sarà preceduto da una merenda dalle ore 16:30 nella stessa aula.
Il successivo seminario ci sarà giovedì 21 marzo, lo speaker sarà Ihsan Topaloglu (Virginia Commonwealth University).
A presto, Ilaria Lucardesi e Luigi Forcella
Dear all, On Thursday 14th March at 5:00 PM, in "Aula Riunioni", for the Mathematical Analysis Seminar, we will have the pleasure of listening to Liangjun Weng (UniPi). The title of the talk is “Hypersurface with capillary boundary evolving by the mean curvature”. Please find below the abstract.
The seminar will be preceded by a snack in the same room, starting at 4:30 PM.
The next seminar will be on Thursday, 21st March, with Ihsan Topaloglu (Virginia Commonwealth University) as speaker.
See you soon, Ilaria Lucardesi and Luigi Forcella
--------------------------------------------- Speaker: L. Weng Title: Hypersurface with capillary boundary evolving by the mean curvature. Abstract: In this talk, we introduce a volume- or wetting area-preserving flow whose speed is given by the mean curvature with a non-local term for hypersurfaces with capillary boundary in the half-space. The non-local term creates additional difficulties, say for instance the comparison principle is no longer valid compared to locally constrained type flows. We demonstrate that for any convex initial hypersurface with a capillary boundary, the flow exists for all time and smoothly converges to a spherical cap as time goes to infinity.