Care tutte, cari tutti,
Segnaliamo due seminari di Analisi martedì 4 Marzo, in Aula Seminari:
Ore 17h30: Eduard Feireisl (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) terrà un talk dal titolo "On the motion of compressible fluids driven by temperature gradient”. Trovate l’abstract al seguente link
Ore 18h00: Ondrej Kreml (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) terrà un talk dal titolo “Time-periodic solutions to an interaction problem between compressible viscous fluids and viscoelastic beams”. Trovate l’abstract al seguente link
Ricordiamo che nello stesso giorno, e nella stessa aula, si terranno i seminati del workshop Dispersive Equations of Math Physics.
A presto, Ilaria e Luigi
Dear all,
We announce 2 Analysis seminars on Tuesday, 4 March, in Aula Riunioni:
5:30 pm: Eduard Feireisl (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) will give a talk with title "On the motion of compressible fluids driven by temperature gradient”. You can find the abstract at this link
6:00 pm: Ondrej Kreml (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences) ) will give a talk with title “Time-periodic solutions to an interaction problem between compressible viscous fluids and viscoelastic beams”. You can find the abstract at this link
We also remind you that in the same day, same room there will be also the seminars of the workshop Dispersive Equations of Math Physics.
Best regards, Ilaria and Luigi