------------------------------------------------- Prof. Marco Donatelli Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Dipartimento di Scienza e Alta Tecnologia – DiSAT Professore Associato Via Valleggio, 11 – 22100 Como (CO) – Italia tel.: +39 031 2386378 web: http://scienze-como.uninsubria.it/mdonatelli/
Inizio messaggio inoltrato:
Da: Olaf Schenk <olaf.schenk@usi.chmailto:olaf.schenk@usi.ch> Oggetto: [SIAM-LA] CSCS/USI Summer School on HPC and Data Analytics, July 13-24, 2020, Online Course Data: 15 maggio 2020 12:52:47 CEST A: Marco Donatelli <marco.donatelli@uninsubria.itmailto:marco.donatelli@uninsubria.it> Cc: "olaf.schenk@usi.chmailto:olaf.schenk@usi.ch" <olaf.schenk@usi.chmailto:olaf.schenk@usi.ch>, Linear Algebra SIAG mailing list <siam-la@siam.orgmailto:siam-la@siam.org>
Dear all,
The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre and Università della Svizzera italiana are pleased to announce that the annual Summer School will be held exceptionally as an online course this year, at the time originally announced - from July 13 to July 24, 2020. Please note that the course registration fee has been waived this year.
Deadline for application: May 31, 2020
This summer school will focus on the effective exploitation of state-of-the-art hybrid High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems with a special focus on Data Analytics. The content of the course is tailored for intermediate graduate students interested in both learning parallel programming models, and having hands-on experience using HPC systems. Starting from an introductory explanation of the available systems at CSCS, the course will progress to more applied topics such as parallel programming on accelerators, code optimization, scientific libraries, and deep learning software frameworks.
More details, including the application procedure, can be found on the CSCS web page:
Students will be able to earn six ECT credit points for this course from USI (subject to exam). The examination method will be a quiz on the last day of the summer school program. The quiz will be done on iCorsi and covers all objectives and content of the course. It will include closed-ended questions (which will then be assessed automatically by the system) and open-ended questions (which will be assessed by the lecturers and professors). Students will be notified about the result of the examination by Tuesday, July 28, 2020.
Sincerely, Olaf Schenk
-- Prof. Dr. Olaf Schenk Advanced Computing Laboratory Institute of Computational Science Faculty of Informatics Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) Via Giuseppe Buffi 13, CH-6900 Lugano, Switzerland
Email: olaf.schenk@usi.ch Tel: +41 58 666 4850 SkypeID: olaf.schenk USI: http://usi.to/ovv ICS: https://www.ics.usi.ch/group-schenk
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