Dear all,
below you find the first announcement for the NumPI seminars.
The seminar will be next week on Tuesday, and will be online using the
conference platform available at the math department. You find the link
below (which will stay the same for all conferences, assuming it works
When entering the conference you will be asked if you want to only
listen or to join with microphone; I suggest you choose the latter: you
will be muted anyway after joining, but will be able to ask questions
at the end if you wish.
Best wishes, -- Leonardo.
Speaker: Milo Viviani
Affiliation: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Time: Tuesday, 06/10/2020, 11:00
Meeting link:
Title: Symplectic methods for isospectral flows and 2D ideal
The numerical solution of non-canonical Hamiltonian systems is an
active and still growing field of research. At the present time, the
biggest challenges concern the realization of structure preserving
algorithms for differential equations on infinite dimensional
manifolds. Several classical PDEs can indeed be set in this framework,
and in particular the 2D hydrodynamical Euler equations.
In this talk, I will present some results I have obtained during my PhD
studies. In particular, I will show how to derive a new class of
numerical schemes for Hamiltonian and non-Hamiltonian isospectral
flows, in order to solve the 2D hydrodynamical Euler equations. The use
of a conservative scheme has revealed new insights in the 2D ideal
hydrodynamics, showing clear connections between geometric mechanics,
statistical mechanics and integrability theory.…
Cari tutti,
su richiesta di Stefano Pozza inoltro volentieri questo annuncio per 2
posizioni di PhD e una come postdoc a Praga.
Un caro saluto,
*2 Ph.D. Positions*, Krylov methods and ODE approximation.
Two Ph.D. positions are available within the framework of the Primus
Research Programme: "A Lanczos-like Method for the Time-Ordered
Exponential" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
The four years of Ph.D. studies will be done under the supervision of
Stefano Pozza (PI of the project) in the Department of Numerical
Mathematics. The department offers an international environment at one
the top universities in the Czech Republic, and the oldest university in
Central Europe. The students will also have the opportunity to work with
external collaborators from France, Italy, and the UK.
The applicants must hold a Master's degree by the start date of Spring
(to be announced) and should have a strong interest in numerical linear
algebra and numerical analysis. Knowledge of Matlab or other programming
languages is necessary. Applicants will have to prove their English
language level by passing an exam (it is possible to waive the
under some conditions, see…).
Application deadline: *November 9, 2020.*
More information and application instructions:
Dear all,
in this semester we won't be able to attend seminars as usual, by
physically meeting in a seminar room (or at least, not as easily as it
used to be).
I had a chat with some of you, and there is some interest in having an
online version of the usual seminar series. So here is some practical
-) The first seminar will be in the week 5/10 - 9/10; I prepared a
Doodle [1] for choosing the best possible date, considering most
of us will be teaching. Please fill it by the end of this week,
and consider that the chosen day of the week will be the same for
(most of) the next seminars as well.
-) Our first speaker will be Milo Viviani, which is starting a
postdoc at SNS with Michele Benzi. Title and abstract will
follow in the next days, along with the chosen date and
further details.
-) I am inclined in using the streaming platform that we have
at the department of Mathematics [2], hopefully it will
work fine. Otherwise, we will have a backup plan :) More
details on this will follow as well.
We will have a few internal speakers, and a few "invited" ones; in case
you wish to give a talk please write me an e-mail, so we can allocate a
See you soon (online or in person)!
Best wishes, -- Leonardo.
Cari tutti,
è cominciata oggi una serie di seminari di algebra lineare numerica
pensata per i chi sia all'inizio della carriera accademica, con
l'intento di recuperare l'ambiente di discussione informale delle
conferenze a cui non abbiamo potuto partecipare.
Se siete interessati potete registrarvi [1], in modo da ricevere gli
annunci dei seminari; i primi due sono stati oggi (scusate il ritardo!)
e continueranno ogni lunedì alle 15.00; si tratta di due seminari da 30
minuti, quelli di oggi saranno presto disponibili su Youtube [2].
Dopo i talk, si può partecipare ad un "coffee-break virtuale" su [3], dove è possibile interagire con gli speaker e gli
altri partecipanti in una sorta di videogioco-conferenza.
A presto, -- Leonardo.