Speaker: Fernando De Terán
Affiliation: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Time: Monday, 20/01/2020, 14:00
Place: Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica.
Title: Flanders’ theorem for many matrices under
commutativity assumptions
Given two matrices $A \in C^{m \times n}$ and $B \in C^{n \times m}$ ,
it is known [1] that the Jordan canonical form of AB and BA can only
differ in the sizes of the Jordan blocks associated with the eigenvalue
zero, and the difference in the size of any two corresponding blocks
is, at most, 1. Moreover, this change
is exhaustive, in the sense that given two ordered lists of numbers
such that the corresponding elements differ at most by 1, then there
are two matrices A, B such that the fist list is the list of sizes of
Jordan blocks associated with 0 in AB and the second one is the list of
sizes of Jordan blocks associated with 0 in BA.
The motivation of this work is the question: What happens with products
of more than two matrices? First, we will see that, if we do not impose
any restriction, the products ABC and CBA may have completely different
eigenvalues. Therefore, some conditions must be imposed to the factors
in order to be able to relate the Jordan canonical forms of any two
By imposing some natural commutativity assumptions, we analyze the
relationship between the Jordan canonical form of products, in
different orders, of k square matrices $A_1, ..., A_k$. In particular,
we study permuted products of $A_1, ..., A_k$ under the assumption that
the graph of non-commutativity relations is a forest. Under this
condition, we show that the Jordan structure of all nonzero eigenvalues
is the same for all permuted products. For the eigenvalue zero, we
obtain an upper bound on the difference between the sizes of Jordan
blocks for any two permuted products, and we show that this bound is
attainable. For k = 3 we show that, moreover, the bound is exhaustive.
This is joint work with Ross A. Lippert, Yuji Nakatsukasa, and Vanni
Speaker: Vanni Noferini
Affiliation: Aalto University, Finland
Time: Wednesday, 11/12/2019, 11:00
Place: Aula Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica.
Title: Wilkinson's bus: weak condition numbers, with applications
(Joint work with Martin Lotz)
Simple eigenvalues of singular matrix polynomials have infinite
condition number. However, vanilla eigensolvers (blind to the singular
structure) are often able to compute these eigenvalues to machine
precision. We propose and analyse a more sophisticated theory of
condition, with higher predicting power than the existing ones. Don't
miss this talk if you would like to hear the solution of the mystery of
the ill posed eigenvalue problems that are in practice solved with
remarkable accuracy!
anche quest'anno vorremmo provare a organizzare una cena prima di
Natale; si pensava di organizzarla con un po' di anticipo in modo da
poter includere anche gli ospiti che abbiamo in dipartimento in questo
periodo (i.e., Vanni e Massimiliano).
Ho parlato solo con alcuni di voi, e ci sarebbe abbastanza convergenza
per il 9, 10 oppure l'11 di dicembre (lunedì, martedì, o mercoledì
della settimana prossima).
Se pensate di partecipare, vi chiederei di riempire il Doodle che
trovate a questo indirizzo [1], possibilmente entro un paio di giorni
così che poi possa prenotare.
Per il momento c'è un certo supporto per rispolverare un classico e
tornare a Montemagno (ammesso di trovare posto), ma ovviamente proposte
per la location sono sembre bene accette!
L'invito è esteso a numerici e simpatizzanti, chiunque abbia piacere a
partecipare si può considerare incluso.
A presto! -- Leonardo.
[1] https://doodle.com/poll/fg22d7ezy7ziwcy2
Speaker: Stefano Massei
Affiliation: EPF Lausanne, Switzerland
Time: Wednesday, 04/12/2019, 11:00
Place: Sala Seminari Est, Dipartimento di Informatica.
Title: Rational Krylov for Stieltjes matrix functions: convergence and
pole selection
Evaluating the action of a matrix function on a vector, that is x =
f(M)v, is an ubiquitous task in applications. When the matrix M is
large, subspace projection method, such as the rational Krylov method,
are usually employed. In this work, we provide a quasi-optimal pole
choice for rational Krylov methods applied to this task when f(z) is
either Cauchy-Stieltjes or Laplace-Stieltjes (or, which is equivalent,
completely monotonic) for a positive definite matrix M.
Then, we consider the case when the argument M has the Kronecker
structure M = I⊗A - B^T⊗I, and is applied to a vector obtained
vectorizing a low-rank matrix. This finds application, for instance, in
solving fractional diffusion equation on rectangular domains. We
introduce an error analysis for the numerical approximation of x. Pole
choices and explicit convergence bounds are given also in this case.
Speaker: Gerald Williams
Affiliation: University of Essex, UK
Time: Wednesday, 27/11/2019, 11:00
Place: Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Matematica
Title: The role of circulant matrices in the study of cyclically
presented groups
A circulant matrix is a square matrix in which each row is obtained from
its predecessor by a cyclic shift by one column. A cyclically presented
group is one that is defined by a group presentation (ie a description
of a group in terms of generators and defining relations) that admits a
similar cyclic symmetry. Prominent examples are the Fibonacci groups,
where the presentations' defining relations mimic the Fibonacci
recurrence relation.
Questions that arise when studying cyclically presented groups ask when
such a group is finite or perfect, when it is 3-manifold group or knot
group; if so, what more can we say about the group. Knowledge of the
determinant, rank, and the Smith normal form of a related circulant
matrix can help to answer these questions.
In this talk I will discuss how well-known properties of circulant
matrices have been used to gain insight into the structure of cyclically
presented groups, and discuss recent and ongoing work with Vanni
Noferini that is advancing the theory to provide new tools for studying
such groups.
Speaker: Enrico Facca
Affiliation: Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa
Time: Wednesday, 20/11/2019, 11:00
Place: Aula Tonelli, SNS
Title: A bio-inspired optimization tool, the Dynamic
Monge-Kantorovich model. Numerical solutions and applications
In this talk I will present the Dynamical
Monge-Kantorovich model, a PDE system coupling an elliptic
equation with a diffusion coefficient that change in time
according to a non-linear dynamics.
The steady state of this system has been related to the
different Optimal Transport problems, offering an efficient
numerical scheme for their solution. We will explore some
examples of application, like identification of the
Cut-Locus of a point on manifold and the study of complex
natural network.
The simplicity of the model allows simple but effective
transformations of its core equations, that have been shown
to be connected with different optimization problems,
such as the Basis Pursuit Problem and the Shape
Optimization Problem.
Segnalo la presenza di questo colloquio, che non fa parte della nostra serie di seminari ma ha un tema che potrebbe essere di interesse per gli iscritti alla lista.
È una "lectio magistralis" che fa parte delle celebrazioni per i 50 anni del corso di laurea in informatica. Si terrà nell'aula magna del polo Pontecorvo (edificio E) lunedì 18 novembre alle 15:30.
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Subject: [Dipartimento.di] Lectio Luca Trevisan
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2019 09:55:55 +0100
From: Gian Luigi Ferrari <gian-luigi.ferrari(a)unipi.it>
To: CDD <cdd(a)di.unipi.it>, dipartimento(a)di.unipi.it
Lo avevo comunicato in consiglio ma mi sono scordato di mandarlo via mail.
Title: A Theory of Spectral Clustering
Speaker: Luca Trevisan
Abstract: Spectral clustering algorithms find clusters in a given network by exploiting properties of the eigenvectors of matrices associated with the network. As a first step, one computes a spectral embedding, that is a mapping of nodes to points in a low-dimensional real space; then one uses geometric clustering algorithms such as k-means to cluster the points corresponding to the nodes.
Such algorithms work so well that, in certain applications unrelated to network analysis, such as image segmentation, it is useful to associate a network to the data, and then apply spectral clustering to the network. In addition to its application to clustering, spectral embeddings are a valuable tool for dimension-reduction and data visualization.
The performance of spectral clustering algorithms has been justified rigorously when applied to networks coming from certain probabilistic generative models.
A more recent development, which is the focus of this lecture, is a worst-case analysis of spectral clustering, showing that, for every graph that exhibits a certain cluster structure, such structure can be found by geometric algorithms applied to a spectral embedding.
Such results generalize the graph Cheeger’s inequality (a classical result in spectral graph theory), and they have additional applications in computational complexity theory and in pure mathematics.
Bio: Luca Trevisan is a professor of Computer Science at Bocconi University. Luca studied at the Sapienza University of Rome, he was a post-doc at MIT and at DIMACS, and he was on the faculty of Columbia University, U.C. Berkeley, and Stanford, before returning to Berkeley in 2014 and, at long last, moving back to Italy in 2019.
Luca's research is in theoretical computer science, and it is focused on computational complexity and graph algorithms.
Luca received the STOC'97 Danny Lewin (best student paper) award, the 2000 Oberwolfach Prize, and the 2000 Sloan Fellowship. He was an invited speaker at the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians. He is a recipient of a 2019 ERC Advanced Grant.
Dipartimento.di mailing list
Speaker: Massimiliano Fasi
Affiliation: Department of Mathematics, The University of Manchester
Time: Wednesday, 13/11/2019, 11:00
Place: Aula Seminari, Dipartimento di Matematica
Title: Handling the conditioning of extreme-scale matrices
In order to assess experimentally the stability of algorithms for
the solution of systems of linear equations, it is typically
desirable to have a certain degree of control over the condition
number of the test matrices being used. If the tests are being
performed at scale (e.g., in an HPL benchmark run for a TOP500
submission), it is necessary to ensure that generating the test
data will take up only a negligible portion of the overall
execution time required to solve the linear system. We develop two
new techniques that satisfy these requirements and can be used to
efficiently construct extremely large matrices with preassigned
2-norm condition number. Focusing on distributed memory
environments, we discuss how these can be implemented in a
communication-avoiding fashion.
Dear all,
Alfio Quarteroni will give a presentation at SNS next Wednesday at
15:00, which might be of interest to some of you.
The topic is "Taking mathematics to heart"; you can find more
information, including venue and abstract, on the SNS website [1].
[1] https://www.sns.it/it/evento/taking-mathematics-to-heart
Best wishes, Leonardo Robol.
prossimamente si terranno alcuni seminari numerici, al Dipartimento di
Matematica / Informatica e in Normale, come l'anno scorso.
Invito chi di voi fosse potenzialmente interessato a partecipare a
compilare il Doodle [1], in modo da poter scegliere un giorno ed un'ora
che non coincida con i vostri impegni / lezioni (o almeno, che lo faccia
per il minor numero possibile di persone).
Per comodità, il Doodle è per date della prossima settimana, ma _non ci
sarà_ davvero un seminario la settimana prossima! Probabilmente i primi
saranno a fine ottobre / inizio di novembre.
Grazie, a presto.
[1] https://doodle.com/poll/5p2fm3brdrnu6h4f
Leonardo Robol <leonardo.robol(a)unipi.it>