Speaker: Nick Vannieuwenhoven (KU Leuven)
Title: Towards a perturbation theory for the tensor rank decomposition
Date: Thursday, 4 June 2015.
Time: 11:00
Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, dipartimento di informatica
Abstract: The tensor rank decomposition is a decomposition of a tensor
into a linear combination of rank-1 tensors. One of the key advantages
of higher-order tensors is that this decomposition is generally unique,
which allows for an interpretation of the individual rank-1 terms.
Because of this property, the tensor rank decomposition has found
application in several domains. For instance, they can be used as a
clustering algorithm in an unsupervised learning setting assuming a
certain statistical model wherein each of the rank-1 tensors in the
decomposition will correspond with a cluster. In the applications where
tensor rank decompositions arise, the tensor is usually known only up to
some small perturbation error. This raises the following interesting
problem: Suppose that the tensor is perturbed by a small quantity, by
how much can the individual rank-1 terms change relative to the
magnitude of the perturbation? Can it be unbounded? In this
presentation, I will explore the definition of a possible condition
number that answers these questions up to first order.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel:+39-050-2213143
Date: Thursday May 14, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Francesco Romani, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Krylov subspace methods for the solution of linear systems*
Abstract: Krylov subspace methods are iterative methods for the solution
of linear systems which operate by multiplying the system matrix
(sometimes also its transpose) by a vector. They are recommended when
the system matrix is large and sparse or with a strong structure. The
most common Krylov subspace methods are presented focusing the
attention mainly on the practical and empirical aspects.
The seminar will be in Italian (but with slides in English).
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel:+39-050-2213143
Date: Thursday May 14, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Francesco Romani, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Krylov subspace methods for the solution of linear systems*
Abstract: Krylov subspace methods are iterative methods for the solution
of linear systems which operate by multiplying the system matrix
(sometimes also its transpose) by a vector. They are recommended when
the system matrix is large and sparse or with a strong structure. The
most common Krylov subspace methods are presented focusing the
attention mainly on the practical and empirical aspects.
The seminar will be in Italian (but with slides in English).
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel:+39-050-2213143
Our next seminar is tomorrow morning.
Date: Thursday April 30, 2015
Time: 10:00
Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Maria Grazia Scutellà, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Optimizing Green Wireless LANs*
Abstract: We consider problems arising in the design of Green (or
energy-saving) Wireless Local Area Networks (GWLANs). In this context,
decisions on powering-on a set of access points, and decisions on the
assignment of the user terminals to the opened access points, have to be
taken simultaneously. In particular, the level of power assigned to each
access point may affect, in a nonlinear way, the capacity of the
connections between the access points and the user terminals that are
assigned to them. The aim is to minimize the overall power consumption
of the access points, which is given by a linear dependency between the
power consumed and the total demand assigned to the access points, via
assignment costs.
In the first part of the talk we present a Mixed Integer formulation
with NonLinear constraints (MINLP) and an optimization approach,
belonging to the framework of Branch and Benders Cut methods, which is
based on the proposed MINLP formulation. In a non-standard fashion, the
master problem of the approach includes the variables of the Benders
subproblem, but relaxes their integrality. The approach has been tested
on a large set of instances, and compared to a more traditional Benders
decomposition algorithm on a subset of instances without the assignment
costs, where the two approaches can be compared. The main achievements
of the computational experimentation are shortly discussed.
Then, in the second part of the talk, we address the optimization of
GWLANs in a more realistic scenario, which takes into account also some
uncertainty factors. Specifically, we present a robust optimization
approach that incorporates both link capacity fluctuations and user
mobility under Bertsimas and Sim's robust optimization paradigm. Again,
preliminary computational results are shortly discussed.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel. +39 050 2213143
Date: Thursday April 30, 2015
Time: 10:00
Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Maria Grazia Scutellà, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Optimizing Green Wireless LANs*
Abstract: We consider problems arising in the design of Green (or
energy-saving) Wireless Local Area Networks (GWLANs). In this context,
decisions on powering-on a set of access points, and decisions on the
assignment of the user terminals to the opened access points, have to be
taken simultaneously. In particular, the level of power assigned to each
access point may affect, in a nonlinear way, the capacity of the
connections between the access points and the user terminals that are
assigned to them. The aim is to minimize the overall power consumption
of the access points, which is given by a linear dependency between the
power consumed and the total demand assigned to the access points, via
assignment costs.
In the first part of the talk we present a Mixed Integer formulation
with NonLinear constraints (MINLP) and an optimization approach,
belonging to the framework of Branch and Benders Cut methods, which is
based on the proposed MINLP formulation. In a non-standard fashion, the
master problem of the approach includes the variables of the Benders
subproblem, but relaxes their integrality. The approach has been tested
on a large set of instances, and compared to a more traditional Benders
decomposition algorithm on a subset of instances without the assignment
costs, where the two approaches can be compared. The main achievements
of the computational experimentation are shortly discussed.
Then, in the second part of the talk, we address the optimization of
GWLANs in a more realistic scenario, which takes into account also some
uncertainty factors. Specifically, we present a robust optimization
approach that incorporates both link capacity fluctuations and user
mobility under Bertsimas and Sim's robust optimization paradigm. Again,
preliminary computational results are shortly discussed.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel. +39 050 2213143
Date: Thursday April 16, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: Sala Riunioni Est, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Federico Poloni, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Methods for accurate invariant subspace computations.*
Abstract: We consider two modelling problems, one arising in control
theory (linear-quadratic regulator) and one arising in the modelling of
queues (or buffers) under a continuous-time Markov model. The solution
of both can be reduced to finding the invariant subspace of a suitable
structured matrix, or equivalently solving a Riccati-like matrix equation.
I will present linear algebra tools that can be used to solve them
accurately; in particular:
* a QR-like matrix factorization in which a tall skinny n x m matrix is
factored as U*R, where R is m x m square invertible and U has a m x m
identity submatrix and all its other entries bounded in modulus by 1.
This factorization can be formulated as an optimization problem (maximum
volume submatrix) or as finding a suitable set of basic variables in a
* (if time allows) a numerical method for the Markov problem based on a
technique (GTH method) to solve linear systems with a (possibly
ill-conditioned) M-matrix without subtractions, obtaining high accuracy
in both large and small entries of the solution.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel. +39 050 2213143
Date: Thursday April 16, 2015
Time: 11:00
Place: Sala Riunioni Est, dipartimento di informatica
Speaker: Federico Poloni, dipartimento di informatica, U Pisa.
Title: *Methods for accurate invariant subspace computations.*
Abstract: We consider two modelling problems, one arising in control
theory (linear-quadratic regulator) and one arising in the modelling of
queues (or buffers) under a continuous-time Markov model. The solution
of both can be reduced to finding the invariant subspace of a suitable
structured matrix, or equivalently solving a Riccati-like matrix equation.
I will present linear algebra tools that can be used to solve them
accurately; in particular:
* a QR-like matrix factorization in which a tall skinny n x m matrix is
factored as U*R, where R is m x m square invertible and U has a m x m
identity submatrix and all its other entries bounded in modulus by 1.
This factorization can be formulated as an optimization problem (maximum
volume submatrix) or as finding a suitable set of basic variables in a
* (if time allows) a numerical method for the Markov problem based on a
technique (GTH method) to solve linear systems with a (possibly
ill-conditioned) M-matrix without subtractions, obtaining high accuracy
in both large and small entries of the solution.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel. +39 050 2213143
Date: Giovedi' 9 Aprile
Time: 11:00
Place: Aula Seminari, dipartimento di matematica
Speaker: Raf Vandebril, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven.
Title: *The Companion QR*
Abstract: In this lecture we will propose a new fast and stable manner
of computing roots of polynomials. Roots of polynomials are typically
computed by putting the coefficients of the polynomial in the companion
matrix and then computing the eigenvalues of this matrix. Exploiting
the available low-rank structure leads to an algorithm of quadratic
instead of cubic complexity.
Several low-cost algorithms have already been proposed. Either they
fully exploit the low-rank properties of the involved matrices by
representing them for instance via quasiseparable factors, or they write
the companion matrix as the sum of a unitary plus low rank matrix and
exploit this structure.
In this lecture we will use the second manner. However, only a single QR
step requires the use of the low rank part. After that we can put the
low rank term aside and continue only with the unitary matrix,
translating the problem thereby to a unitary eigenvalue problem. Only in
the end the low rank matrix is reconstructed to retrieve the eigenvalues.
Numerical experiments validate the approach, illustrate its reliability
and speed. The algorithm is compared against other available methods and
a proof of backward stability is provided.
This research is joint work with David S.\ Watkins and Jared L.\ Aurentz
from Washington State University, USA and Thomas Mach from the KU
Leuven, Belgium.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel:+39-050-2213143
Date: Giovedi' 9 Aprile
Time: 11:00
Place: Aula Seminari, dipartimento di matematica
Speaker: Raf Vandebril, Department of Computer Science, KU Leuven.
Title: *The Companion QR*
Abstract: In this lecture we will propose a new fast and stable manner
of computing roots of polynomials. Roots of polynomials are typically
computed by putting the coefficients of the polynomial in the companion
matrix and then computing the eigenvalues of this matrix. Exploiting
the available low-rank structure leads to an algorithm of quadratic
instead of cubic complexity.
Several low-cost algorithms have already been proposed. Either they
fully exploit the low-rank properties of the involved matrices by
representing them for instance via quasiseparable factors, or they write
the companion matrix as the sum of a unitary plus low rank matrix and
exploit this structure.
In this lecture we will use the second manner. However, only a single QR
step requires the use of the low rank part. After that we can put the
low rank term aside and continue only with the unitary matrix,
translating the problem thereby to a unitary eigenvalue problem. Only in
the end the low rank matrix is reconstructed to retrieve the eigenvalues.
Numerical experiments validate the approach, illustrate its reliability
and speed. The algorithm is compared against other available methods and
a proof of backward stability is provided.
This research is joint work with David S.\ Watkins and Jared L.\ Aurentz
from Washington State University, USA and Thomas Mach from the KU
Leuven, Belgium.
Everyone is welcome!
--federico poloni
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
http://www.di.unipi.it/~fpoloni/ tel:+39-050-2213143
Inoltro per altri possibili interessati.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Dipartimento.di] Avviso Seminario: Leonardo Robol - Seminario
di Esperienze di Programmazione
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2015 13:40:22 +0200
From: Gianna M. Del Corso <gianna.delcorso(a)unipi.it>
To: dipartimento(a)di.unipi.it
Nell'ambito del corso di Esperienze di Programmazione
*Mercoledi' 1 Aprile 2015* - ore 11.00
Dip. di Informatica - Aula Seminari EST
si terra' il seminario di
LEONARDO ROBOL (Scuola Normale Superiore)
Sarà presentato Julia, un linguaggio per il calcolo scientifico
attualmente in fase di sviluppo. Verranno mostrate la sintassi e le
principali differenze con i linguaggi attualmente più diffusi, come
MATLAB e FORTRAN. Verrà fatta una panoramica delle principale
caratteristiche della piattaforma, come i pacchetti aggiuntivi, il
notebook IJulia, la gestione dei tipi e il raggiungimento di ottime
performance (comparabili a quelle di C e FORTRAN) grazie all'utilizzo di
LLVM come backend.
Sarà infine presentato qualche esempio per mostrare le potenzialità di
Julia per lo sviluppo di codice parallelo.
L'interprete è open source e disponibile su http://julialang.org/.
Riferimento: Gianna Del Corso
Gianna M. Del Corso, PhD
Dipartimento di Informatica,
Universita' di Pisa
Largo Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa, Italy
ph. +39-050-2213118
fax +39-050-2212726
Gianna M. Del Corso, PhD
Dipartimento di Informatica,
Universita' di Pisa
Largo Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa, Italy
ph. +39-050-2213118
fax +39-050-2212726