Please note that the event "The GLT class as a Generalized Fourier Analysis and applications" will start on 26 May 2022, 15:00 (Europe/Rome). It will take place at GSSI (Rectorate-Building-Auditorium).
You can access the full event here:
Description -----------
Stefano Serra-Capizzano University of Insubria, Italy
Title of the talk: The GLT class as a Generalized Fourier Analysis and applications
Abstract: Recently, the class of Generalized Locally Toeplitz (GLT) sequences has been introduced as a generalization both of classical Toeplitz sequences and of variable coefficient differential operators and, for every sequence of the class, it has been demonstrated that it is possible to give a rigorous description of the asymptotic spectrum in terms of a function (the symbol) that can be easily identified. This generalizes the notion of a symbol for differential operators also of fractional type (discrete and continuous) or for Toeplitz sequences for which it is identified through the Fourier coefficients and is related to the classical Fourier Analysis. The GLT class has nice algebraic properties and indeed it has been proven that it is stable under linear combinations, products, and inversion when the sequence which is inverted shows a sparsely vanishing symbol (sparsely vanishing symbol = a symbol which vanishes at most in a set of zero Lebesgue measure). Furthermore, the GLT class virtually includes any approximation by local methods (Finite Difference, Finite Element, Isogeometric Analysis of partial differential equations (PDEs) and, based on this, we demonstrate that our results on GLT sequences can be used in a PDE setting in various directions.
Detailed PDF version of the abstract: HERE
The seminar will take place in the Auditorium, but remote participation will also be possible via the zoom link:
Note ---- Dear all, This is just a gentle reminder that this week's Math Colloquium will take place today at 3pm in the Main Auditorium. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Best, Paolo Antonelli, Marielle Simon, Francesco Tudisco and Francesco Viola
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