Title: Recent extensions of scalar and matrix polynomial properties and their interactions, Speaker(s): Aaron Melman, Santa Clara University, USA, Date and time: 10 Nov 2022, 11:00 (Europe/Rome), Lecture series: Seminar on Numerical Analysis, Venue: Dipartimento di Matematica (Aula Riunioni).
You can access the full event here: https://events.dm.unipi.it/e/114
Abstract --------
Several results for scalar polynomials are extended and then generalized to matrix polynomials. Among them are a directional version of Pellet's theorem for both scalarand matrix polynomials, which establishes an exclusion interval for the magnitudes of polynomial zeros or eigenvalues having a given argument, as well as results involving real polynomials with sign restrictions on their coefficients. The latter lead to exclusion sectorsfor polynomial eigenvalues. In addition, it is shown how new results can be obtained by embedding scalar polynomials into a matrix polynomial framework, and examples are given of how the interactionbetween scalar and matrix polynomials benefits both. If time (and interest) permits, an improvement of theorems by Hayashi and Hurwitz from the beginning of the twentiethcentury will be presented. These theorems concern the location of polynomial zeros when the coefficients exhibit certain sign patterns.
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