Buongiorno! Vorremmo far tenere un seminario a Giovanni Barbarino nelle prossime settimane, sul tema "Higher Order Spectral Symbols and Eigenvalues Approximation for Toeplitz Matrices", e volevo chiedervi scegliere tra le varie possibilità per l'orario del seminario. Se siete interessati a seguire il seminario, segnate le vostre disponibilità di massima su https://doodle.com/poll/vv96x5zbth5cbss4 e poi sceglierò l'opzione più gettonata.
Grazie e a risentirci per la data definitiva.
Viste le preferenze espresse, fisso il seminario per martedì prossimo alle 11.
Title: Higher Order Spectral Symbols and Eigenvalues Approximation for Toeplitz Matrices Speaker: Giovanni Barbarino (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, Dipartimento di Informatica Time: Tuesday. April 24, 11am Abstract: In the past few years, Bogoya, Böttcher, Grudsky, and Maximenko obtained the precise asymptotic expansion for the eigenvalues of Toeplitz matrices under suitable assumptions on the generating function. Based on this expansion, it's been proposed and analyzed an interpolation–extrapolation algorithm for computing the eigenvalues, which is suited for parallel implementation, and on the basis of several numerical experiments, it was conjectured by Serra-Capizzano that a completely analogous expansion also holds for the eigenvalues of preconditioned Toeplitz matrices. In this presentation, the main ideas behind the expansion are shown and the performance of the algorithm are illustrated through numerical experiments. Further open conjectures and food for thought will be presented throughout the presentation.
Everyone is welcome!
On 2018-04-16 14:11, Federico Poloni wrote:
Title: Higher Order Spectral Symbols and Eigenvalues Approximation for Toeplitz Matrices Speaker: Giovanni Barbarino (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) Place: Sala Seminari Ovest, Dipartimento di Informatica Time: Tuesday. April 24, 11am
Buongiorno, il seminario previsto per martedì prossimo purtroppo è annullato. Cercheremo di recuperarlo in futuro!