Dear Colleagues,
we are delighted to inform you that we are organizing the event
"Workshop on Quasi-Newton methods"
which will be held in Edinburgh, 9th Nov 2022, please see
for more information.
The workshop aims at promoting the exchange of ideas and to advance the state of the art in the area of Quasi-Newton methods.
The *hybrid* workshop will consist of five invited presentations by selected leading researchers.
Remote and in person participation are welcome.
If you are willing to take part, please register (free of charge) at your earliest convenience, but not later than 31st Oct 2022, at the link
Very Best Regards,
Jacek, Stefano
-- Stefano Cipolla
Postdoctoral Research Associate School of Mathematics University of Edinburgh James Clerk Maxwell Building Peter Guthrie Tait Road Edinburgh, EH9 3FD email:
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.