Cari tutti, inoltro un messaggio da Stefano Pozza, su una borsa di dottorato disponibile alla Charles University, Praga. Trovate i dettagli in fondo alla mail.
Buone vacanze, -- Leonardo.
Ph.D. Position, Dep Num Math, Charles Univ, Czech Rep
A Ph.D. position is available within the framework of the Primus Research Programme: "A Lanczos-like Method for the Time-Ordered Exponential" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.
The four years of Ph.D. studies will take place in the Department of Numerical Mathematics under the supervision of Dr. Stefano Pozza (PI of the project). The department offers an international environment at one of the top universities in the Czech Republic, and the oldest university in Central Europe. The student will also have the opportunity to work with external collaborators from France, Italy, and the UK.
The applicants must hold a Master's degree by the start date of Spring 2022 (to be announced) and have a strong interest in numerical linear algebra and numerical analysis. Knowledge of Matlab or other programming languages is necessary. Applicants will have to prove their English language level by passing an exam (it is possible to waive the examination under some conditions).
Application deadline: September 30, 2021.
More information and application instructions: