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One-year Postdoc position at University Paris 13
in Combinatorics, probability, dynamical systems and application to statistical physics or mathematical physics.
A one-year postdoc position in combinatorics, probability, dynamical systems and application to statistical physics or mathematical physics is available at the University Paris 13. The position is within the framework of the axis 3 (mathematical physics, statistical physics, combinatorics) of the mathStic pole that groups members of the LIPN (Calin team) and of the LAGA (Probability et Statistics team, Ergodic theory and dynamical systems team, and algebraic topology team) and deals with discrete random structures coming from theoretical computer science, probability, dynamical systems, statistical physics or mathematical physics.
Anyone with research interests close to one of the topic above is welcome to apply. Applicants should have a PhD at the starting date of the post-doc.
The successful candidate will be appointed by University Paris 13, will join LIPN or LAGA (University Paris 13). The position will begin before October 2016.
Applications, including CV, list of publications, research plan and the names of two references including email addresses, should be sent before Febuary, 15 to Frederique Bassino Yueyun HU
Later applications will be considered until the position is filled.
For further information do not hesitate to contact us.
-- Frederique Bassino
LIPN UMR 7030 Tel: +33 1 49 40 40 84 Universite Paris 13 - CNRS Institut Galilee Bureau A104 99, avenue J.-B. Clement 93430 Villetaneuse - FRANCE