Questa mail non riguarda direttamente
l'Università, ma quello che dovrebbe
essere il notro ruolo all'intreno
di essa e nella società. Io penso
che il momento sia drammatico (non solo per
l'Italia: ma è qui che possiamo ancora
cercare di fare qualcosa, senza cedere
alla rassegnazione.
Nel silenzio quasi generale dell'informazione,
l'attuale maggioranza procede a tappe forzate
nella modifica della Costituzione. Come
molti altri costituzionalisti e cittadini, io non credo
che questa maggioranza abbia l'autorità MORALE
per procedere alla revisione fodamentale della nostra
E' notizia di ieri che la Commissione Affari Istutzionali
ha deciso di rinviare la discussione sul finaziamento dei partiti
a settembre, perché la camera deve prima far passare la modifica
della legge costituzionale (entro luglio, dunque).
All'interno della rete dei rinati Comitati per la difesa della
Costituzione abbiamo lanciato una raccolta di firme per
sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica su questi temi. Vi invito
a sottoscriverla ed a farla circolare (sempre che la condividi,
L'appello lo trovate qui:
Grazie per l'attenzione
Alberto Girlando
Prof. Alberto Girlando
Parma University
Dipartimento di Chimica
Parco Area delle Scienze 17/a
43124-I Parma, Italy
Tf. +39 0521 905443
FAX +39 0521 905556
e-mail: girlando(a)
Cari colleghi,
propongo un simbolico minuto di silenzio per Margherita Hack.
In diverse occasioni ha espresso le sue opinioni su questa lista con
la solita sagacia.
Ha anche commentato il nostro manifesto in un suo libro del 2010
(Libera Scienza in Libero Stato).
Perdiamo una grande scienziata ed un'icona dell'anticonformismo
sociale e scientifico.
Libera Scienza in Libero Stato (2010), Margherita Hack, Rizzoli.
Non solo siamo fra gli ultimi in Europa nelle materie scientifiche, ma
quando riusciamo a formare un vero genio in genere gli mettiamo in
mano una valigia e lo mandiamo a far del bene all'estero. Perché in
Italia la ricerca proprio non vuole funzionare? Per due motivi,
entrambi ben radicati nella storia e nel costume nazionali. Da un lato
scontiamo una cronica quanto inspiegabile paura della scienza e delle
sue potenzialità, e dal caso Galileo alla battaglia contro l'analisi
preimpianto degli embrioni molta responsabilità spetta alla Chiesa e
al suo vizio di dettare legge in un Paese che pure si professa laico.
Dall'altro lato ci si mette lo Stato che da destra a sinistra taglia i
fondi all'università, spreca le scarse risorse, ingarbuglia le
carriere accademiche senza peraltro riuscire a sottrarle ai "baroni".
Così, mentre da ogni parte si decanta l'importanza dell'innovazione
per la crescita del Paese, nei fatti chi dovrebbe produrla viene
ostacolato con ogni mezzo: concorsi macchinosi, precariato a vita,
stipendi da fame e, perché no, obiezione di coscienza. Storie di
ordinaria contraddizione in un sistema che cola a picco. Margherita
Hack dedica questo libro all'analisi delle condizioni di una ricerca
che non ha più né Stato né Chiesa su cui contare. Passa al vaglio le
riforme che si sono succedute sotto quattro governi, denuncia gli
errori ricorrenti e le troppe incongruenze, mette in luce gli esempi
positivi incontrati nel corso della sua carriera e infine propone
qualche idea.
Walter Lacarbonara
Co-Editor, J. Sound & Vibration, ASME J. Vibration & Acoustics
Department of Structural Engineering
Sapienza Research Center for Aerospace CRAS
SAPIENZA University of Rome
via Eudossiana 18 - 00184 Rome Italy
office: +39 (06) 44585-111 - fax: +39 (06) 44585-754
e-mail: walter.lacarbonara(a), webpage:
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics, Springer (2013)
su Nature la questione della Russian Academy of Science:
il sottotitolo mi suona familiare
Reforms without consultation will destroy the Russian Academy of Sciences.
saluti Anna
Anna Painelli
Dip. Chimica
Parma University
43124 Parma, Italy
tel 0521-905461
fax 0521-905556
skype: anna.painelli
cari colleghi, vi mando una copia di una lettera ricevuta da due Matematici ed accademici Russi, non so cosa possiamo fare oltre a farla circolare. Forse sottoscrivere una lettera da inviare all'indirizzo che ci mandano. La lettera potrebbe essere del tipo
Dear Minister, we hear from our distinguished colleagues that it is in act a deep transformation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
We do not want to enter into the details of this plan but want to firmly stress the fact that, when touching such old and distinguished institutions, one should do it with extreme care and full involvement of the scientific community. Such reforms, when done only by bureaucrats and politicians destroy traditions and do not build anything useful for the future. Needless to say that, even in the most obscure years of the past, the academic institutions of Russia and the Soviet Union have always carried a high and unique scholarly tradition.
We hope that hasty and not well planned "reforms" will not destroy what centuries of scholarly work has built. Sincerely yours
se volete aderire mandatemi una mail con nome cognome e titolo accademico, che io possa facilmente copiare ed incollare.
Moscow, June 29, 2013
Dear Professor Procesi,
On Thursday, June 27, 2013 the Russian Government unexpectedly discussed and approved the draft law on liquidation of the Russian Academy of Sciences founded in 1725 and on creating on its basis a new public organization. All the existing institutions of our Academy are offered to move away from the new organization, to subordinate them to a special administrative Government agency, and to subject to a selection compliant with certain conditions defined solely by this agency. A very negative experience of such a selection made by Government officials was demonstrated last fall during monitoring of the educational institutions in Russia. Many popular and highly reputed universities have been declared ineffective according to the rules that in fact have little to do with assessing real scientific level.
Another unpleasant aspect of this situation is that the draft law, which fundamentally changes the system of science organization in Russia, has been prepared and examined without discussion with the scientific community. Even the public structures created by the Ministry of Education and Science for consultations with the representatives of the scientific community have not been involved in a discussion of the draft law and have not been informed on its existence. The Academy also has not been informed on the existence of the project.
This law has already been submitted to the Parliament of the Russian Federation and is asked to be approved on the next week. After the acceptance of this law, a liquidation process of the Academy should be completed within three months.
We ask you to express your opinion about the destruction of the Russian Academy of Sciences. You can send it to the address of the Department of Mathematics of the Academy (with a copy to us) om(a) Unfortunately, the matter is urgent.
We would be very grateful for your support in this difficult for science in Russia time.
A. N. Parshin,
V. L.Popov
Claudio Procesi, Professore Emerito,
Dipartimento di Matematica, G. Castelnuovo
Membro dell'Accademia dei Lincei
Università di Roma La Sapienza, piazzale A. Moro 00185,
Roma, Italia
fax 0039-06-44701007
Dear Colleague,
please, have a look at these messages on a
recent dramatic event concerning the Russian Academy of Sciences.
You might send a solidarity
expression to: "Procesi, Claudio"
<procesi(a)>, and/or
<om(a)>, and/or <universitas_in_trasformazione(a)>.
Kind regards.
Giulio Maier
>Moscow, June 29, 2013
>Dear Professor Procesi
>On Thursday, June 27, 2013 the Russian
>Government unexpectedly discussed and approved
>the draft law on liquidation of the Russian
>Academy of Sciences founded in 1725 and on
>creating on its basis a new public organization.
>All the existing institutions of our Academy are
>offered to move away from the new organization,
>to subordinate them to a special administrative
>Government agency, and to subject to a selection
>compliant with certain conditions defined solely
>by this agency. A very negative experience of
>such a selection made by Government officials
>was demonstrated last fall during monitoring of
>the educational institutions in Russia. Many
>popular and highly reputed universities have
>been declared ineffective according to the rules
>that in fact have little to do with assessing real scientific level.
>Another unpleasant aspect of this situation is
>that the draft law, which fundamentally changes
>the system of science organization in Russia,
>has been prepared and examined without
>discussion with the scientific community. Even
>the public structures created by the Ministry of
>Education and Science for consultations with the
>representatives of the scientific community have
>not been involved in a discussion of the draft
>law and have not been informed on its existence.
>The Academy also has not been informed on the existence of the project.
>This law has already been submitted to the
>Parliament of the Russian Federation and is
>asked to be approved on the next week. After the
>acceptance of this law, a liquidation process of
>the Academy should be completed within three months.
>We ask you to express your opinion about the
>destruction of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
>You can send it to the address of the Department
>of Mathematics of the Academy (with a copy to
>us) om(a) Unfortunately, the matter is urgent.
>We would be very grateful for your support in
>this difficult for science in Russia time.
> A. N. Parshin,
> V. L.Popov
>Date: Mon, 1 Jul 2013 18:45:50 +0200
>Subject: RAS
>From: "Procesi, Claudio" <procesi(a)>
>dear Colleagues,
>I received hundreds of replies to my letter,
>many containing useful information on the facts, comments etc..
>I wish to point out that of course it is quite
>important to have a debate, disseminate
>information as a tool to take action, but
>clearly this has to be a collective effort. I am
>unable to handle all this, what I have done,
>with some non trivial work, has been to collect
>as best as possible, and probably with some
>mistakes, the names of the people who adhered to
>my letter and sent this information to Popov so he can inform the Academy.
>But I see that some international debate on the
>issue has been generated. It seems to be clear,
>from some of the information we are getting,
>that some, even deep, reform of the RAS may be
>necessary, and it may even be the case that RAS
>is unable to reform itself from inside. This is
>not such an unheard story even in our academic
>system. The point is that when governments start
>such deep reforms on structures that are related
>to culture, science and education, it is not
>acceptable that such delicate decisions be taken
>without ample debate and involvement of
>scientists, academies and the like, in
>particular in such stringent times as to appear
>as pure coercion. In this case moreover there
>seem to be quite large economic interest (real
>estate), so that all kind of issues may be involved.
>To do better than this it would be necessary to
>furnish ourselves with some tools, like the
>mailing list I proposed or better tools, which
>can help us to share information and create
>possible joint action, as a petition.
>So ideas and actions from all of you are welcome
>Claudio Procesi, Professore Emerito,
> Dipartimento di Matematica, G. Castelnuovo
>Membro dell'Accademia dei Lincei
>Università di Roma La Sapienza, piazzale A. Moro 00185,
>Roma, Italia
> fax 0039-06-44701007
Giulio Maier
Professor Emeritus of Structural Engineering
Technical University (Politecnico) of Milan
Department of Structural Engineering
Piazza L. da Vinci, 32
20133 Milan (Italy)
tel.: +39.02.2399.4221
fax: +39.02.2399.4220
e-mail: giulio.maier(a)
Web Pages: http://www.stru.polimi.it…
Sottoscrivo l'appello
Elvira De Matthaeis, Professore Ordinario di Zoologia, Dipartimento di
Biologia e Biotecnologie Charles Darwin, Università La Sapienza.