mi scuso per il ritardo dell'avviso e vi ricordo il seminario di oggi
Cari saluti,
Giovedì 30 aprile, ore 16:00-17:00
Sala Riunioni
Lewis Topley (Università di Padova)
Small representations for reduced enveloping algebras
Although the ordinary representation theory of Lie algebras is extremely
well developed, progress has been much slower in the modular case. A
breakthrough was made twenty years ago when Premet proved a long-standing
conjecture bounding the dimensions of modules. His techniques led to the
discovery of finite W-algebras, and the latter theory has recently
culminated in another milestone, showing that the bound mentioned before is
best possible. I shall review the development of this theory and discuss
some very recent results of mine regarding the structure theory of certain
modular finite W-algebras
Il programma completo dei seminari si trova alla pagina:
Sulla pagina è anche possibile scaricare le slides dei precedenti seminari.
riprendono dopo la lunga pausa i seminari di Algebra, Topologia e
Combinatoria. Trovate di seguito l'avviso per l'appuntamento di questa
Cari saluti,
Giovedì 16 aprile, ore 16:00-18:00
Sala Riunioni
Benjamin Collas (Bayreuth Universität)
Arithmetic of inertia in braids groups and Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory.
Following Grothendieck's "Esquisse d'un programme",
Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory is the study of the absolute Galois group
of rational through combinatorial properties of the moduli spaces of curves
M_{g,n}. Originally developed by Drinfel'd and Ihara in the context of
quantum groups and arithmetic geometry, it is guided by the existence a
certain stratification of the space which then translates in term of
inertia when considered from the fundamental group point of view.
We will present the main ideas of a Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory by
considering first the case of curves of genus zero and its relation with
the Artin braid groups -- all the needed notions will be given in detail
within the case of M_{0,4}. By then considering the Artin braid groups as
a special case of generalized braid groups, we will explain how these ideas
can be adapted, and may lead to a similar ``Grothendieck-Dynkin'' theory,
when studying the geometry of the wonderful model compactification of
hyperplane arrangements.
Il seminario sarà diviso in due parti di 45' ciascuna.
La prima parte del seminario sarà introduttiva e comprensibile a studenti
di dottorato o laurea specialistica in matematica.
Prossimi seminari:
Giovedì 30 Aprile 2015, ore 16:00-18:00
Sala Riunioni
Lewis Topley (Università di Padova)
Il programma completo dei seminari si trova alla pagina:
Sulla pagina è anche possibile scaricare le slides dei precedenti seminari.