mi scuso per il ritardo dell'avviso e vi ricordo il seminario di oggi pomeriggio.
Cari saluti,
Giovedì 30 aprile, ore 16:00-17:00 Sala Riunioni
Lewis Topley (Università di Padova)
Titolo: Small representations for reduced enveloping algebras
Abstract: Although the ordinary representation theory of Lie algebras is extremely well developed, progress has been much slower in the modular case. A breakthrough was made twenty years ago when Premet proved a long-standing conjecture bounding the dimensions of modules. His techniques led to the discovery of finite W-algebras, and the latter theory has recently culminated in another milestone, showing that the bound mentioned before is best possible. I shall review the development of this theory and discuss some very recent results of mine regarding the structure theory of certain modular finite W-algebras
Il programma completo dei seminari si trova alla pagina: Sulla pagina è anche possibile scaricare le slides dei precedenti seminari.